minimolars at Kandal Community Centre (KCC

#1 von carlos , 17.09.2018 10:51

It was so wonderful to have dental checkup and dental treatment for our children at Kandal Community Centre (KCC). Thank Mini Molars Cambodia our great partner and German Dentists so much for always be there and ready to support us. We just love to see these children smile happily and have a great future. Please help us invest in these children happiness and make a better Cambodia by donating via the link below:

This project will help over 200 underprivileged children get the opportunity to go to class every day. This project aims to focus on English education, basic health & hygiene, sports, arts which lead these kids to fully develop and grow up with well-rounded capacity. With the proposed USD7,200 fundraising will help those over 200 children to go to class for a year for 2019.

Beiträge: 2.720
Registriert am: 08.06.2010

RE: minimolars at Kandal Community Centre (KCC

#2 von carlos , 17.09.2018 10:51

Beiträge: 2.720
Registriert am: 08.06.2010


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