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  • Thema von zarite im Forum Cuba

    Zur Zahnheilkunde: eine Trennung Zahnmedizin/Medizin, wie bei uns, gibt es in Kuba nicht. Die Zahnbehandlung findet in der Poliklinik statt. Zahlen zur Zahl der tätigen Zahnärzte in Kuba sind nicht beschaffbar, nicht einmal die Kollegen dort selbst kennen welche. Da die Kliniken für Einheimische Ausländern versperrt sind, war auch ein Besuch in der Universtätsklinik für Stomatologie nicht möglich, es war kein (Zahn)Arzt zu sprechen. Ganz anders im Ausländerkrankenhaus (in dem übrigens auch die Funktionärselite behandelt wird). Die Kollegen sind gesprächsbereit, freundlich (wie die Kubaner im Übrigen ganz allgemein) und hilfsbereit.

    Die „normalen“ Kubaner sind etwa ab 50 vollkommen zahnlos, deutliche Lücken zeigen sich auch bei jüngeren Personen. Die Bildung hat offensichtlich die Gesundheitsbildung der Bürger nicht erreicht, Prophylaxe ist kaum im Bewusstsein de3r Kubaner vorhanden. Eine auch nur etwas anspruchsvollere Prothetikbehandlung steht der Bevölkerung auch nur in der Ausländerklinik zur Verfügung, nur, dort ist nichts mehr kostenlos. Die Bezahlung geht unaufgeregt an der Sofortkasse in bar vonstatten, selbstverständlich in CUC, dem Pedant zur ausländischen Devise. Kreditkarten sind unüblich und beim Einsatz werden ungeheuer hohe Gebühren aufgeschlagen. Es empfiehlt sich also, beim Kubabesuch ausreichend Bargeld mitzuführen.

    Wer immer es sich leisten kann, geht zur Behandlung in die Ausländerklinik – dies sind in erster Linie Leute, die in der Tourismusindustrie arbeiten, über Auslandskontakte verfügen (Verwandte im Exil, analog der DDR mit Westverwandtschaft) oder die der Prostitution nachgehen (die ist offiziell in Kuba verboten, nur: jedes einigermaßen gut aussehende junge Mädchen wirft sich ganz ungeniert älteren Herren, die nach Geld aussehen, an den Hals; ein gar nicht ungewöhnliches Bild sind Paare, die händchenhaltend durch die Straßen schlendern, er jenseits der 70 und sie noch nicht mal 20). Prostitution ist verboten, Liebe nicht, und sei sie noch so auffällig…
    Es ist auffällig, dass Kubaner, die über CUC (also „richtiges“ Geld) verfügen, dies auch zeigen. Und so kann man etwas sehen, was man sonst nur in asiatischen Entwicklungsländern noch zu sehen bekommt: Goldkronen an Frontzähnen, je auffälliger, desto besser. Die Armen hingegen laufen mit Zahnlücken rum. Eine klassenlose Gesellschaft eben.
    Die Wertschätzung für Zahnärzte ist in Kuba ganz offensichtlich höher als in Deutschland. So kostet eine Extraktion immerhin 35 $, die Untersuchung (Checkup) ebenfalls 35, so wie die Zahnreinigung auch. Füllungen (selbstverständlich Amalgam!) werden mit 25 $ je Fläche berechnet (ein Traumpreis nach deutschen Verhältnissen), und die VMK Krone schlägt mit 350 $ zu Buche.
    Man muss diese Preise relativieren: der Techniker, der die Krone im Labor anfertigt, bekommt mal eben 14 € im Monat, und der Normal-Arbeitnehmer in Kuba kriegt auch nicht mehr. Da sind 350 € ein irrsinnig großes Vermögen. Und trotzdem gibt es Kubaner, die sich den Luxus einer „richtigen“ Zahnheilkunde leisten und die die Alternative „Extraktion“ vermeiden.
    Die Ausrüstung im Westkrankenhaus ist exzellent: modernste (deutsche!) Zahnarzteinheiten ebenso wie Laborgeräte sind schon beeindruckend, die sind besser ausgerüstet als die deutsche Durchschnittspraxis!
    Also; Angst braucht kein Tourist zu haben – wenn man mal (zahn)ärztliche Hilfe braucht, dann kriegt man die, auf höchstem Niveau. Man muss halt nur zahlen können…

  • 2,50 Dollar pro BehandlungDatum08.09.2014 05:11
    Thema von zarite im Forum Haiti

    Zahnarzt Dr. Gerhard Stürmer-Schwichtenberg aus Osnabrück behandelte im August eine Woche lang in einer Caritas-Klinik in Haiti. Ohne Behandlungseinheit und Bohrer. Was er in dem Land erlebte, berichtet er hier.

  • 2,50 Dollar pro BehandlungDatum08.09.2014 05:10
    Foren-Beitrag von zarite im Thema 2,50 Dollar pro Behandlung
  • 2,50 Dollar pro BehandlungDatum08.09.2014 05:09
    Thema von zarite im Forum in eigener Sache

    Zahnarzt Dr. Gerhard Stürmer-Schwichtenberg aus Osnabrück behandelte im August eine Woche lang in einer Caritas-Klinik in Haiti. Ohne Behandlungseinheit und Bohrer. Was er in dem Land erlebte, berichtet er hier.

    Forward Edge International
    15121-A NE 72nd Avenue
    Vancouver, Washington 98686
    Tel: +1 206 574 3343 Fax: +1 206 574 2118
    Contact: Joseph Anfuso
    Forward Edge International is a teams denominational ministry dedicated to sending North American church
    groups and individuals on short-term mission trips. It provides experienced team leadership, logistical
    coordination, practical preparatory materials, and a wide variety of ministry opportunities in the U.S., Latin
    America, Europe, Asia, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The mission trips last from ten days to
    three weeks. Forward Edge International sends service teams (medical/dental construction) evangelism teams,
    youth teams and adult teams.
    Areas Served: U.S. Indian reservations, Albania, Asia, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Italy,
    Mexico, Nicaragua, Romania, and Vietnam.
    Material: The program does not utilize dental material.
    Foundation of the Pierre Fauchard Academy
    1441 Avocado Avenue
    Suite 508
    Newport Beach, California 92660-6224
    Fax: +1 714 373 2237 Contact: Dr Shig Ryan Kishi
    The Pierre Fauchard Academy, an International Honor Dental Organization with 108 sections worldwide, has
    established a foundation to support grants and projects that will benefit the dental profession and the public it
    serves. The Foundation has published a brochure that covers the goals and guidelines of the grant/project
    program. It lists the types of programs the Foundation will support, as well as the restrictions that apply to
    eligibility for funding.
    Organizations, institutions and individuals who desire funding are encouraged to obtain a copy of the brochure
    from the individual listed above to determine if their program or project falls within the Foundation’s goals. If so,
    they may apply for support. The brochure covers the application form.
    Areas Served: Worldwide
    Material: Foundation funds only materials listed in application.
    Friends of Dental Volunteers for Israel (DVI)
    11 Sage Circle
    Scarsdale, New York 10583
    Tel: +1 914 725 2485 Contact: Ms Lila Seiler
    Friends of Dental Volunteers for Israel (DVI)
    Main Street
    Livingston Manor, New York 12758
    Tel: +1 914 439 4100 Contact: Dr. Don Simkin
    DVI operates the only free of charge Children’s Dental Clinic in Jerusalem, located at 29 Mekor Chayim Street.
    The organization’s dental services include oral education, preventive care, and treatment to underprivileged
    Jewish and non-Jewish children, ages 5 to 18, who never have had previous dental care. Services are also
    provided to Russian and Ethiopian children. Contributions are tax deductible, as are expenses incurred by
    volunteers serving in Jerusalem.
    Areas Served: Jerusalem.
    Material: DVI solicits donations of dental supplies and dental equipment in good working order.
    Global Outreach Mission Inc
    PO Box 2010
    NY 14231-2010, USA
    No further information available as yet.
    Haitian & Co-Arts Association, Inc.
    165 Park Row, Suite 8D
    New York, New York 10038
    Tel: +1 212 732 9735 Contact: Andre Letellier
    The Haitian & Co-Arts Association, Inc., is a voluntary overseas, private non-governmental, non-political, nonreligious,
    non-profit, tax-exempt charitable educational organization, founded in 1956 by Andre Letellier, a
    Haitian born U.S. citizen. Its aims and purposes are solely dedicated to gratuitously contribute to the elimination
    of hunger, eradication of disease and promotion of literacy of deprived children of the peasants in remote
    villages of Haiti through mobile medical-dental free clinics. Clinics deliver community-wide vaccination against
    aids, polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, provide birth control, and dental care Dues, contributions and expenses
    incurred by donors and/or volunteers serving with the organization’s charitable programs are tax deductible.
    U.S. corporations and individuals donate funds, services, medical supplies, drugs, educational and agricultural
    Areas Served: Haiti.
    Material: Dental equipment, instruments, supplies, dental literature, preferably in French, are accepted.
    Health Teams International Inc. (HTI)
    7518 South Evanston Avenue
    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136-5615
    Tel: +1 918 481 1115 Fax: +1 918 481 1115
    Contact: Dr Robert W Miller
    Health Teams International (HTI) is an ecumenical non-profit organization dedicated to assisting in
    evangelization through the ministrations of short-term Christian health care teams. It has neither dues nor
    membership fees, but it is supported by the tax-deductible contributions of interested individuals and groups.
    Volunteers pay their own expenses, which are tax-deductible. All staff members contribute their services
    without pay.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: HTI solicits donations of portable dental instruments, equipment and supplies that can be transported
    by air to overseas sites.
    Health Volunteers Overseas
    Dentistry Overseas
    PO Box 65157
    Washington DC 20035-5157
    Tel: +1 202 296 0928 Fax: +1 202 296 8018
    Email: Contact: Kate Skillman
    Aims to improve the quality of health care in developing countries through training and education.
    Specific details of the project in Haiti are as follows: to form a co-operative network of dental health care; to
    improve the quality and increase the availability of health care through training and education; to co-operate
    with the Pan American Health Organization to implement a nation-wide salt fluoridation and iodisation process
    for Haiti; to train and empower Haitian natives to provide professional services for themselves once volunteer
    teams are gone.
    Areas served: Bangladesh, Brazil, Haiti, India, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Vietnam
    Health Volunteers Overseas
    Dental Division of ADA
    3801 N Fairfax Dr Suite 40
    Arlington, Va 22207
    Contact: Dr Gary S Leff Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Himalayan Healthcare Inc.
    565 West End Avenue, suite #3G
    New York, New York 10024
    Tel: +1 212 877 6519 Fax: +1 212 877 6519
    Contact: Lisa Gomer
    Himalayan HealthCare Inc. (HHC) was established to address the health crisis in rural Nepal. The primary
    objectives of the organization are to provide immediate medical treatment to people living in remote mountain
    villages and to improve the general healthcare conditions of the rural population of Nepal who do not have
    access to health care at times of critical need. Himalayan HealthCare is unique in that its programs are
    sustained by Nepalese medical professionals who trek monthly to targeted villages to deliver medical care and
    to teach villagers about hygiene, sanitation, nutrition and family planning.
    In addition to supporting a small full-time Nepalese medical staff, HHC also organizes groups of American
    physicians, dentists and healthcare workers to participate in medical treks to selected villages to assist the
    Nepalese physicians in treating patients and dispensing necessary medicines.
    Areas Served: Rural mountain villages of Nepal.
    Material: HHC solicits donations of dental equipment and supplies as well as financial contributions.
    HIM Foundation
    PO Box 101
    Atlanta, Texas 75551
    Tel: +1 903 796 3821/1 903 796 3824/+1 903 796 7705
    Contact: Dr James Hogan
    The Foundation promotes Christian missionary dentistry. It encourages and helps health care professionals to
    accompany evangelists to needy countries for short-term missionary efforts. The volunteer works as a team
    member with a local Christian church. Health clinics are usually set up in the church to render a physical
    service. The Foundation has also founded and financed three dental clinics in India. Volunteers provide their
    own instruments and supplies.
    Areas Served: Honduras, India, Israel and Korea.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    Honduran-American Medical Mission
    501 5th Avenue
    Belmar, New Jersey 07719
    Tel: +1 908 681 6134 Fax: +1 908 681 1891
    Contact: Mrs Patricia King
    The organization’s current projects include separate 25-resident boys and girls orphanages, known collectively
    as Hogar Amistad or House of Friendship. A newly constructed medical/dental clinic includes two dental
    operatories and service a population base of 15,000 rural, destitute Hondurans.
    Areas Served: Urraco/Sulaco area of north-central Honduras.
    Material: Donations of hand instruments and lab equipment to fully outfit two dental operatories for operative,
    endo, perio and uncomplicated exodontia.
    Howard Karagheusian Commemorative Corporation
    386 Park Avenue South
    Suite 1601
    New York, New York 10016
    Tel: +1 212 725 0973 Fax: +1 212 447 0378
    Contact: Dr Watler C Bandazian

    Community Church of Greenwood
    1477 West Main Street
    Greenwood, Indiana 46142
    Tel: +1 317 888 6024 Fax: +1 317 885 2648
    Contact: Charles Coleman
    Community Church of Greenwood serves as the dental clinic for the areas surrounding San Salvador, El
    Areas Served: El Salvador
    Material: General dental equipment and materials
    PO Box 1790
    Santa Ana, California 92702
    Tel: +1 714 953 8575 Fax: +1 714 953 1242
    Contact: Marianne Loewe
    CONCERN/America is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life (including
    health care) for rural populations in developing countries through training and education of local personnel. It is
    supported through the contributions of interested individuals and small foundations. CONCERN/America is not
    affiliated with any religious organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
    Areas Served: Mexico, Central America, and some locations in Africa.
    Material: Dental equipment, especially small instruments.
    Creighton University School of Dentistry
    2500 California Plaza
    Omaha, Nebraska 68178
    Tel: +1 402 280 5098 Fax: +1 402 280 5094
    Contact: Dr Romer Ocanto
    The purpose of the program is to collaborate with faculty and researchers at Central University of Venezuela
    School of Dentistry and Institute of Dental Research. Training and research collaboration in the areas of
    epidemiology are applied to research in oral biology, microbiology, oral pathology and genetics, to take place
    once a year. The program is to be supported by grant money from a private foundation. The program involves a
    three-week workshop designed to prepare postdoctoral students to conduct research that involves
    epidemiology assessments in different countries.
    Areas Served: Venezuela.
    Material: The program does not use donated dental material.
    Dental Health International
    847 South Milledge Avenue
    Athens, Georgia 30605-1331
    Tel: +1 706 546 1716 Fax: +1 706 546 1715
    Contact: Dr Barry Simmons
    Dental Health International needs dental personnel to create dental clinics in rural areas of developing countries
    which will be, in turn, staffed by the host country dentists. Water and nutritional studies will be conducted to
    determine needs of the host country. A program in the surrounding schools will be instituted to show benefits of
    fluoride and a basic dental hygiene program as well. Dental clinics are dispersed throughout the host country.
    Areas Served: Bhutan (Himalayas), Cameroon, Cook Islands, Lesotho, Rwanda, and Vietnam.
    Material: Dental equipment less than ten years old, to make up a complete dental clinic, dental supplies,
    handpieces and instruments.
    Dental Seminars & Symposia (DDS)
    343 Prairie View Road
    Chippewa Falls
    Wisconsin 54729
    Tel: +1 715 723 1662 Fax: +1 715 723 1662
    Contact: Dr David D Crane
    Dental Seminars & Symposia, Inc. (DSS) was established in 1977 to provide continuing dental education and to
    organize humanitarian projects both nationally and internationally. Groups are taken annually to South America
    to provide dental care for homeless and orphaned children (expenses are paid by participants). University
    faculty are also selected to conduct scientific congresses at Latin American universities (expenses paid by the
    host universities). DSS is non-political, non-sectarian, and conducts all foreign programs on a non-profit basis.
    Areas Served: Latin America.
    Material: Small equipment and supplies are requested as needed for specific clinics. Tax-deductible receipts
    are given by local churches.
    Division of Worldwide Ministries
    Presbyterian Church (USA)
    100 Witherspoon Street
    Lousiville, Kentucky 4042-1396
    Tel: +1 502 569 5000 Fax: +1 502 569 8039
    Contact: Ms Edith Sutton/Mr Bob Ellis
    The Division of Worldwide Ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA) works to assist church related hospitals,
    clinics and health projects in developing countries through placement of health care professionals and in
    providing material assistance. The aim is to improve health care services along with training of national and
    local personnel. Sustainable and appropriate technology is emphasized as well as preventive health education.
    The work is supported from the national budget of the denomination, with help from international health agency
    grants and gifts from groups and individuals.
    Areas Served: Ongoing service in Guatemala, Haiti, India, South Korea, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Zaire and
    along the U.S.A. border.
    Material: The program does not utilize dental material.
    The Domingos Foundation
    1800 S.E. St. Lucie Boulevard (October-April)
    Building 8, Apt. 107
    Stuart, Florida 34996-4224
    Tel: +1 407 286 1708
    4890 Glenwood Avenue, #4 (May-September)
    Youngstown, Ohio 44512
    Tel: +1 216 782 2055
    Contact: Dr. D. E. De Marco
    The Domingos Foundations is a publicly supported non-profit organization which delivers, and works to
    improve, dental and other health care in remote areas of Brazil, Guatemala and Honduras. It actively promotes
    and provides grants for small-scale development projects in the villages it visits. Contributions are taxdeductible,
    as are expenses incurred by volunteers serving abroad.
    Areas Served: Remote areas of Brazil, Guatemala and Honduras.
    Material: Donations of certain dental and pharmaceutical supplies are accepted.
    11506 St. David’s Lane
    Lutherville, Maryland 21093
    Tel: +1 410 560 0937 Fax: +1 410 876 6362
    Contact: Tammy G. Fesche
    Ecuadent is a humanitarian undertaking to Ecuador, made up of American dental and medical professionals.
    The all-volunteer group of doctors and assistants donate their time and pay their own transportation to treat the
    indigent population, many of whom are children between the ages of three and 14 years of age. The focus is on
    preventative dental health measures in addition to some restorative treatment as equipment and facilities allow.
    Volunteers pay their transportation to Ecuador. All transportation inside the country, food, and lodging are
    provided by the Ecuadorian Army.
    Areas Served: Ecuador.
    Material: Dental instruments, dental supplies (especially toothbrushes), dental portable units, portable dental xray
    units and cable run units.
    Esperança Inc.
    1911 West Earll Drive
    Phoenix, Arizona 85015
    Tel: +1 602 252 7772 Fax: +1 602 340 9197
    Contact: Dr. Jeanne France
    Esperança Inc. is a non-profit, non-denominational international health organization that provides treatment and
    training in Latin America and Africa. Esperança’s vision is to “sow the seeds of self-help in health.” Esperança
    accepts many volunteer health professionals, as well as funding, from a variety of private sources (individuals,
    churches, service clubs, foundations) and U.S. government support. Volunteer dentists work in Esperança’s
    clinical facility in the Amazon jungles of Brazil.
    Areas Served: Santarém, Pará Brazil (in the Amazon valley).
    Material: Esperança solicits dental equipment and consumable supplies for its dental clinic facility in the
    Estonian American Fund Inc.
    4 Noyes Court
    PO Box 13266
    Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
    Tel: +1 301 587 9115 Fax: +1 202 291 8884
    Contact: Ago Ambre
    Estonian American Fund (EAF) is a publicly supported charity, recognized as such by the IRS, and registered
    by the U.S. Agency for International Development as a private voluntary organization (PVO). The mission is to
    aid in the resolution of economic problems faced by command economies seeking to change to a free market
    basis. Programs supply universities with scientific texts, hospitals with medical equipment, supplies, and
    technical training. EAF facilitates exchange of students and scholars, and helps set up in-country seminars and
    training classes. EAF sponsors an active health care project that has provided about $2.5 million in medical and
    dentistry supplies and equipment.
    Areas Served: Estonia.
    Material: EAF solicits donations in cash and in kind. Dental and medical equipment and professional literature
    are provided in response to specific requests from health professionals in Estonia.
    Flying Doctors of America
    1951 Airport Road
    Dekalb-Peachtree Airport
    Atlanta, Georgia 30341
    Tel: +1 404 451 3068 Fax: +1 404 457 6302
    Contact: Peggy Phipps
    Flying Doctors of America is committed to helping physicians, dentists, other health care professionals, the
    business community and general volunteers help the poor and needy by flying monthly medical missions. It
    provides quick, professionally managed, low cost, tax-deductible medical missions to areas of critical need,
    thereby bringing hope and healing. It welcomes all who desire to volunteer, regardless of creed, religion, color,
    race, sex or nationality.
    Areas Served: Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America and India.
    Material: The program does not use dental material.

  • WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Cancer and Precancer
    Kings College School of Medicine & Dentistry
    Caldecot Road
    London SE5 9RW
    Tel: +44 20 7346 3608 Fax: +44 20 7346 3624
    Email: Contact: Prof Newell Johnson
    To research and develop oral health in developing countries and to integrate oral health with general health.
    Active in cancer, HIV/AIDS, periodontal diseases.
    Areas served: India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia
    Academy of Dentistry International
    P.O. Box 307
    Hicksville, Ohio 43526-0307
    Tel: +1 419 542 0101 Fax: +1 419 542 6883
    Email: Contact: Dr Robert L Ramus
    The Academy of Dentistry International is devoted to the advancement of the dental profession by the elevation
    of dental-care standards through continuing education. By the support and sponsorship of special educational
    and service projects, the Academy directly contributes to the improvement of dental health and to the well-being
    of people worldwide.
    Areas served: Worldwide
    Material: It solicits dental books, instruments, equipment, journals and video tapes
    Academy of LDS Dentists
    PO Box 211404
    Salt Lake City
    Utah 84121-8404
    Tel: +1 801 378 6757 Fax: +1 801 378 6361
    Contact: Tim Watabe
    The Academy of LDS Dentists is an organisation of dental professionals dedicated to serving mankind. It
    endeavours to provide dental expertise and manpower to underserved areas of the world. In addition to patient
    treatment, it provides dental education to increase the expertise of local professionals. It also provides
    scholarship funds for domestic and international students. A quality yearly conference is held on the Brigham
    Young University campus.
    Areas served: worldwide
    Material: It provides dental equipment and supplies to many underserved areas of the world and solicits
    Africa Inland Mission
    PO Box 178
    Pearl River, New York 10965
    Tel: +1 914 735 4014 Fax: +1 914 735 1814
    Contact: Warren Day
    Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is an interdenominational Christian organization with a goal of establishing nurturing
    churches of Christ. One of AIM’s means of establishing churches is through medical service to the people of
    Africa. AIM uses dental and medical personnel in hospitals, dispensaries, mobile clinics and community health
    care. AIM is supported by the tax deductible contributions of others and by volunteer personnel. Dental
    Equipment and supplies are also welcome.
    Areas Served: Fourteen countries in Africa.
    Material: AIM accepts donated dental equipment and supplies for its personnel in Africa.
    All God’s Children Oral Health Project
    1956 Honeysuckle Lane
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
    Tel: +1 513 232 4603 Fax: +1 513 231 9346
    Contact: Dr Stephen W Curran
    The All God’s Children Oral Health Project is a non-profit, interdenominational organization which brings
    preventive and restorative dental care to children living in the orphanages of Eastern Europe. The mobile dental
    clinic is staffed by volunteer American dental professionals working cooperatively with their Eastern European
    colleagues. This provides local dental volunteers with the opportunity to learn new procedures and work with
    modern dental equipment supplied by the program. The Project has government approval to import supplies
    without paying tariffs.
    Areas Served: Bulgaria and Romania.
    Material: Tax deductible cash donations, portable dental equipment, instruments, supplies and medicines are
    American Dental Volunteers for Israel
    108-13 67th Road
    Forest Hills, New York 11375
    Tel: +1 718 263 4918 Contact: Dr Paul Jarmon
    The American Dental Volunteers for Israel recruits dentists and dental hygienists for two four-week stints at a
    kibbutz in Israel. All accommodations are provided (food and living quarters). Volunteers work 20 hours a week
    only. Transportation is not provided.
    Areas Served: Israel.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    American Dentists for Foreign Service
    619 Church Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11218
    Tel: +1 718 436 8686 Contact: Dr Herman Ivanhoe/Anne Brearley
    American Dentists for Foreign Service (ADFS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving developing
    countries exclusively through dentistry, with the assistance of dentists, hygienists, teachers and service people.
    Transportation is supplied by the traveling personnel. Subsistence by the host agency or county.
    Dental equipment, used but serviced, is crated and shipped. The equipment is offered free, but the receiving
    country must supply warehouse, service and shipping expenses.
    Dental Schools will be given preference over clinics or hospitals to receive large quantities of equipment in
    order to increase the dental profession within that country and to supply more services to the people. Clinics
    and hospitals will be supplied with small quantities.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: Donated equipment is utilized in the program.
    American Medical Resources Foundation Inc. (AMRF)
    PO Box 3609
    Brockton, Massachusetts 02404-3609
    Tel: +1 508 580 3301 Fax: +1 508 580 3306
    Contact: Mr David P Harrington
    American Medical Resources Foundation (AMRF) donates used, but fully operational medical and dental
    equipment to hospitals and clinics serving the poor in third world and developing nations. AMRF also offers the
    services of a corps of qualified biomedical engineers and technicians who volunteer to teach maintenance
    procedures and assist in setting up maintenance and calibration facilities at the recipient institutions. AMRF is a
    tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is registered with the U.S.
    Agency for International Development. Donated equipment already shipped ranges from beds to monitors, xray,
    pulmonary, cardiac, ultrasonic diagnostic, operating rooms, and other diverse equipment for general and
    specialized use in prenatal, natal, pediatric, and adult departments.
    Areas Served: Developing countries worldwide.
    Material: Donated equipment is utilized in the program.
    Armenian-American Health Association of Greater Washington
    1160 Varnun St., N.E. Suite 308
    Washington, D.C. 20017
    Tel: +1 202 529 3756 Fax: +1 202 529 5474
    Contact: Hayk Kaftarian
    The Association’s goals are to provide and facilitate health care, to improve health care delivery systems, and to
    educate and train health care professionals and the general public in health care. The program provides
    biomedical and technical information and support as well as assists in research and development.
    Areas Served: Armenia and Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
    Material: All types of medications, medical and dental equipment, and educational activities to be donated for
    shipment to the Armenian Health Ministry.
    AYUDA Inc.
    1520 East Lincoln Avenue
    Anaheim, California 92805
    Tel: +1 714 774 6330 Fax: +1 714 774 4052
    Contact: Dr Harris N Done
    Ayuda, Inc. is a private non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the health of needy people in North and
    Central America. It conducts dental clinics twice a year in Belize and Mexico. Volunteers pay their own
    expenses. Ayuda provides supplies and equipment. Ayuda also sponsors free dental clinics in the U.S. at
    needy schools
    Areas Served: Belize, Mexico and USA (Southern California)
    Material: Ayuda solicits donations and dental equipment and supplies.
    Carelift International
    One Belmont Avenue
    GSB Building, Suite 4/25
    Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
    Tel: +1 610 617 0995 Fax: +1 610 668 0930
    Email: Contact: Carroll Caulfield
    Carelift International’s health education development programme has 5 goals: (1) foster health development, (2)
    address the long term needs of countries that are struggling to establish modern methods of healthcare
    delivery, (3) establish new educational programmes, (4) strengthen existing programmes, and (5) address
    public health needs.
    Areas served: Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belarus, Georgia, Cyprus, Albania, Croatia,
    Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Bratislava, Israel, Lithuania, Jordan
    Catholic Medical Mission Board Inc
    10 West 17th Street
    New York, New York 10011-5765
    Tel: +1 212 242 7757 Fax: +1 212 807 9161
    Contact: Joseph A Latella, S.J.
    Catholic Medical Mission Board seeks licensed dentists to volunteer their services in Catholic health care
    facilities for the medically disenfranchised.
    Applicants must be fully licensed with two years of professional experience and maintain current registration in
    the United States or Canada. Arrangements for single and married applicants with children are available.
    Volunteers are expected to provide their own transportation to and from the international location where they
    are placed.
    Independent health care facilities accept volunteers for short-term (one-six months) and long term (one-two
    years) assignments. Room and board are provided for all applicants. A modest stipend is available for longterm
    Areas Served: Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, India, Papua New Guinea.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    CERT International
    (Christian Emergency Relief Teams)
    PO Box 188008
    Carlsbad, California 92018
    Tel: +1 619 431 9890 Fax: +1 619 431 9893
    Contact: Dr. Ken Daugherty
    CERT International is a non-profit interdenominational relief organization providing short term opportunities for
    medical and dental professionals, para professions, construction personnel, and lay people to various parts of
    the world.
    CERT Teams have gone from large metro areas such as Bucharest, Romania and Lima, Peru to remote
    jungles of Papua New Guinea, Honduras and Nicaragua; from war-torn areas such as Afghanistan, Nicaragua,
    Mozambique, Croatia and Bosnia to former communist countries such as Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and
    The basic philosophy of CERT is to go where little if any help is being given.
    Areas Served: Countries in Central & South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Africa, Southeast Asia and
    Christian Dental Society
    PO Box 177
    Sumner, Iowa 50674
    Tel: +1 800 237 7368 Fax: +1 319 578 8843
    Contact: Dr Richard C Haw
    Recruits volunteers for short-term volunteer dental mission trips to developing nations. Serving areas in need
    since 1962.
    Areas Served: Worldwide – South America, Caribbean, Central America, Russia and the South Pacific.
    Material: Dental materials, equipment and supplies.
    Christian Mission of Pignon, Inc.
    P.O. Box 743 – 403 Main Street
    Lake Village
    Arkansas 71653
    Tel: +1 870 265 2111 Fax: +1 870 265 2112
    Email: Contact: Dr Marvin D. Loyd
    CMP serves as an open window to and for Christianity to nurture the spiritual growth of the people in the area of
    Pignon, Haiti and assist them in the development of long term, self-sustaining program efforts in the areas of
    preventive and acute health care; functional literacy and educational opportunities; clean water and essential
    sanitation facilities; agricultural development and training; and community and economic development.
    Areas served: Haiti
    Citizens Democracy Corps
    2021 K Street, NW
    Suite 215
    Washington, D.C. 20036
    Tel: +1 202 872 0933/+1 800 394 1945 Fax: +1 202 872 0923
    Contact: Jill Schiager
    Citizens Democracy Corps (CDC) is a private, non-profit organization which mobilizes US private sector
    expertise and resources to assist the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
    (NIS) of the former USSR. CDC programs respond directly to the needs brought to its attention by government,
    civic, and industry leaders in the region. Through its Citizens Volunteer Program (CVP), CDC recruits and fields
    teams of US volunteers to participate in locally-designed institution-building projects in diverse program sectors.
    In the health sector, CDC fields requests for hospital administrators, deans and assistant deans of medical and
    dental schools.
    Areas Served: Central and Eastern Europe; New Independent States (of former USSR).
    Material: The program does not utilize donated dental material.

    Secours Dentaire International (SDI)
    Zürcherstrasse 6
    9500 Wil SG
    Tel: +41 71 911 5755 Fax: +41 71 911 8757
    Contact: Dr. med. dent. Jürg Ernst Jent
    No further information available as yet.
    Zahnärzte für Rumänien (SPR)
    Dr. med. dent. Werner Frunz
    Bahnhofstrasse 24
    5400 Baden
    Tel: +41 56 222 0050 Fax: +41 56 222 0053
    No further information available as yet.
    WHO Demonstration, Training and Research Center for Health
    Dental School Health Department
    P.O.Box 60184
    Contact: Dr Nabil Beiruti
    Established in 1982 to work nationally and regionally to promote and develop oral health for the population,
    especially children. The fields of interest are planning of oral health programmes, evaluation, training of
    manpower in dental public health, carrying out of oral health research, developing of appropriate dental
    techniques, and producing oral health education and training materials
    Areas served: Syria
    Association of Family Dentistry
    No 18 Szu-Yuan St
    Taipei 100
    Tel: +2 2365 9396 Fax: +2 2365 9376
    Contact: Chang Chin-Shun
    No further information available as yet.
    Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
    4F, No 52 Hsing-Sheng S Road Sec 3
    Taipei, Taiwan
    Tel: +2 2363 7673 Fax: +2 2363 7673
    Contact: Huang Shun-Te
    No further information available as yet.
    Central Oral Health Unit
    Ministry of Health
    PO Box 273
    Tel: +255 51 124237/120261 Contact: Dr H J Mosha/Dr Y Hemed
    Epidemiology, research methodology and planning community oral health care programmes.
    Areas served: Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe
    World Concern
    37 – 501 Phetburi 15
    Bangkok 10400
    Contact: Dr C Durward
    No further information available as yet.
    Tonga Dental Association
    Ministry of Health
    Tel: +676 23200 ext 56 Fax: +676 24291
    Contact: Dr Latu
    Endeavouring to ensure that the water supply for the main town ise fluoridated in order to minimise caries in
    school children; arranging training for auxiliaries (dental therapists and assistants) to help in primary oral health
    care and training by the people in oral health care.
    Areas served: Tonga
    Project Heritage House
    8 Chaykovsogo Str. Suite 1
    UKRAINE 65206
    Tel: +380 48 731 4229 Contact: Dr Paul Becker
    The Odessa Boarding School Orphanage Number Four was built in 1959 for a population of 200 students. It
    currently houses 419 children. Odessa Boarding School Number Four is unique in tht it is strictly for orphans.
    The orphanage belongs to the city of Odessa.
    In the summer of 2000, the Salvation Army and Harvest International fornmed a joint venture and signed a
    contract with the Ukrainian Minister of Education. The purpose of this programme is to supplement the
    educational programme at the orphanage. This programmes is entitled Project Heritage House. The chairman
    of Baltimore-Odessa Sister Cities and a United States Peace Corps Volunteer also work within Project Heritage
    Project Heritage House’s role is to supplement basic services and material needs that were originally meant to
    be provided by the city government. Because of Ukraine’s current poor economical situation the city
    government currently cannot meet these needs. Project Heritage House provides assistance in the areas of
    children’s education, material, and nutritional needs.
    Both Sister Cities International ( and Harvest International
    ( are American organisations registered as nonprofits both in the United
    States and Ukraine. Harvest International is a Christian organisation.
    Borrow Dental Milk Foundation
    Padnell Grange, Cowplain, Portsmouth, PO8 8ED
    Tel: +44 2392 262222 Fax: +44 2392 241401
    Contact: Prof Norman Whitehouse Email:

    The Borrow Dental Milk Foundation is a UK registered charity, a non profit making organisation, actively
    involved in the promotion of milk as a vehicle for fluoride for the benefit of children’s oral health.
    As part of an international research programme the Foundation supports two main streams of activity:
    • schemes in the community – supporting the fluoridation of milk supplied to children under existing
    distribution systems.
    • clinical and laboratory studies designed to strengthen the scientific base for milk fluoridation carried out
    at dental research establishments in various countries.
    British Fluoridation Society
    4th Floor
    University of Liverpool
    School of Dentistry
    Liverpool U69 3GN
    Tel: +44 151 706 5216 Fax: +44 151 706 5845
    Email: Contact: Mrs Sheila Jones
    Promotion of water fluoridation in order to effectively reduce levels of tooth decay.
    Areas served: UK
    The Cordent Trust
    Summit House
    Summit Road
    Potters Bar
    Herts EN6 3EE
    Tel: +44 1732 833450 Fax: +44 870 1281423
    Contact: Mrs Creek Wier Email:
    Areas served: Many and varied. Projects supported if appropriate
    The Old Sawmills
    Giles Lane
    Wiltshire SP5 2BG
    Tel: +44 1794 324249 Fax: +44 1794 323871
    Email: Contact: Dr Jenny Worldley/Mr Luke Wordley
    Dentaid UK is a charity which collects used western dental equipment, refurbishes it in a workshop then sends
    it to sites in the developing world where requests had been received. Intentions are to go on to develop
    strategies for oral health education and primary treatment in the areas where equipment is supplied.
    Areas served: Many and varied. Projects supported if appropriate.
    Teeth Relief
    The Sunnymede Trust
    1 Laneway
    Sunnymead Road
    London SW15 5HX
    Tel: +44 20 8878 6129 Fax: +44 20 8480 8085
    Contact: Dr Sharon Rankin
    No further information available as yet.
    WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Oral Health
    Department of Child Dental Health
    Dental School
    Framlington Place
    Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW
    Tel: +44 191 222 7863/8242 Fax: +44 191 222 5928
    Email: Contact: Prof Andrew J Rugg-Gunn
    To encourage scholarship, improve knowledge and facilitate action in the field of nutrition and oral health. To
    further the knowledge and understanding of nutrition and oral health world-wide. To encourage and assist in
    research in the field and to facilitate learning and the exchange of information.
    Areas served: Sri Lanka, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan

    Tel: +27 12 319 2519 Fax: +27 27 12 325 2863
    Email: Contact: Prof P J van Wyk
    No further information available as yet.
    Islamic Medical Association (IMA)
    PO Box 48786
    Qualbert 4078
    Tel: +27 31 207 2250 Fax: +27 31 207 2260
    No further information available as yet.
    Mobile Health Care
    Portfolio Manager: Health
    PO Box 72501
    2122 Parkview
    Contact: Ms Lynette Coetzee Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Oral Hygienists – KZNPA
    PO Box 8944
    Cumberwood 3235
    Kwa Zulu Natal
    Tel: +331 897 3163 Fax: +331 979768
    Contact: Dr Mahjabeen Fazloodeen
    Aiming to promote preventative methods rather than resorting to curative methods.
    Areas served: South Africa.
    Oral Hygienist Association of S Africa
    PO Box 6014
    Roggebaai 80/2
    Fax: +27 21421
    No further information available as yet.
    Odontologia Solidaria
    Cea Bermudez 36-1 C
    Tel: +34 1 534 6829 Fax: +34 1 535 1259
    Contact: Dra Mercedes Morato Pasalodos Email:

    No further information available as yet.
    College of Community Dentistry of Sri Lanka
    11/4 Schofield Place
    Tel: +94 1 588454 Contact: Dr K Krishnarasa
    The college is mainly interested in promoting positive dental health in the community through promotion,
    prevention and educational programmes. It provides the opportunity for dental health personnel to update their
    knowledge and skills, carry out research and post-graduate education in dental public health.
    Areas served: Sri Lanka
    Health Education Bureau
    Ministry of Health
    No 145 Dharmapala Mawatha
    Colombo 7
    Tel: 00 94 1 436047
    Email: Contact: Dr Mano Fernando
    No further information available as yet.
    Professional Centre
    275/75 Bauddhaloka Mawatha
    Colombo 7
    Tel/fax: 00 94 1 595417 Contact: Dr Adly Mohamed
    No further information available as yet.
    Faculty of Odontology
    Göteborg University
    Department of Oral Microbiology
    Box 450
    Göteborg SE-40530
    Tel: +46 31 7733262 Fax: +46 31 825733
    Email: Contact: Prof Gunnar Dahléu
    Periodontology and cariology, micro-biological aspects. Other oral infections, prophylaxis measures, treatment
    implementations, oral health promotion
    Areas served: Kenya, Thailand, China
    Faculty of Odontology
    Malmö University
    Centre for Oral Health Sciences
    Carl Gustafs väg 34
    SE-214 21 Malmö
    Tel: +46 40 322142 Fax: +46 40 322145
    Contact: Prof Douglas Bratthall
    No further information available as yet.
    The Rotary Doctor Bank, Dental Division
    Stzandvagen 24
    44332 Lerum
    Tel: +4630 213157 Fax: +4631 165439
    Contact: Dr Ake Lagerquist Email:
    No further information available as yet.

    Dental Division Ministry of Health, Government of Mauritius
    Emmanuel Anquetil Building
    Port Louis
    Tel: +230 3089814 Email:
    Contact: Dr Uma Coopaman
    Public Health Dentistry Unit
    Morcellement Chowbay
    Tel: +230 6867749 Email:
    Contact: Dr Basti Risi Kinnoo
    To help to maintain and raise the status of the dental profession and professionals. To promote oral health in
    the community. To organise continuing dental education and to communicate with Ministry of Health on dental
    Areas served: Mauritius
    Facultad de Odontolgia, UNAN
    Circuito Escolar s/n CD universitaria
    Del Coyoacan
    CP 04510
    Av Universidad 3000
    Tel: +623 22 01 Fax: +616 22 89
    Contact: Mtro Javier de la Fuente Hernandez
    No further information available as yet.
    Agencia Suica para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperacao
    Av Ahmed Sekou Toure 637 r/c
    Tel: +258 1 421337/8 Fax: +258 1 421319
    Contact: Dra Isabel Soares
    No further information available as yet.
    Organizaçâo Mundial de Saude Zimbabwe 1230
    PO Box 377
    Tel: +258 1 490896 Fax: +258 1 491990
    Email: Contact: Dr Carlos Tiny
    To support the Ministry of Health, offering technical support on policies, programme development and
    Areas served: Mozambique.
    Ministry of Health & Social Services
    Box 60515 WHK Katatura
    Tel: 264 61 812429505 Fax: +264 61 222706
    Contact: Mr Eddie Kandukira
    Mr Kandukira is one of two dental therapists in Namibia and his work involves training, organising work shops.
    Areas served: Namibia
    The Nepal Oral Health Society
    Central Oral Health Clinic, NOHS
    Post Box 729 Kanti Path
    Tel: +977 1 245572 Fax: +977 1 220143
    Email: Contact: Dr Rajendra B Shrestha
    Critical clinical work in three clinics as well as conducting regular free oral health clinics in many parts of the
    remote, rural areas of Nepal to serve mainly the poorer sections of society. Aim is to promote oral health
    education and basic oral health services all over the Kingdom of Nepal, and to establish a specialised centre for
    all advanced and complicated oral disease.
    Areas served: Nepal
    United Mission to Nepal (UMN)
    PO Box 126 Kathmandu
    Tel: +977 1 228118/228060 Fax: +977 1 225559
    Email: Contact: Dr Neil McDonald
    Good oral health for all Nepalese people with appropriate and affordable care services available locally. Village
    level oral health promotion and basic care training. Research into disease levels and fluoride content of
    drinking water. Production of oral health training materials in the Nepalese language.
    Areas served: Nepal

    Dental Health International Nederlands
    Postbox 3185
    3760 DD SOEST
    Tel: +31 53 60 32 536 Fax: +31 35 60 32 530
    Contact: Dr. James Huddleston Slater Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Dental Volunteers for Israel
    V. Vredenburchweg 9345
    2284 TS Rijswijk
    No further information available as yet.
    Wittevrouwensingel 5
    3581 6A Utrecht
    Tel: + 31 30 231 8825 Contact: Mrs E S van Luyn
    No further information available as yet.
    Nihp/Netherlands International Health platform
    PO Box 19.52
    3501 DD Utrecht
    Tel: +31 30 230 6580 Fax: +31 30 230 6581
    No further information available as yet.
    NOHS Nepal Oral Health Society
    Nepal in Training ART
    Butewei 24
    Lippenhuizen 8408 HC
    Tel: +31 513 466665 Fax: +31 513 466430
    Email: Contact: Mr W Bink
    No further information available as yet.
    WHO Collaborating Centre
    PO Box 9101
    6500HB Nijmegen
    Tel: +31 24 361 4050 Fax: +31 24 354 0265
    Contact: Dr Frans Mikx
    Community oral health, ART, functional dental arch, fluorides and chlorhexidine.
    Areas served: Tanzania, China, Indonesia, Syria, Vietnam
    Secretariat of the Pacific Community
    Deputy Director General
    BPD5 98848 Noumea Cedex
    Tel: +687 262000 Fax: +687 263818
    Contact: Ms Lourdes Pangelinen
    No further information available as yet.
    Education & Health Resources International
    29 Lagos-Badagry Expressway
    Lasu Bus Stop, Ojo
    Lagos, Box 15692
    Ikeja, Lagos
    Tel: +234 1 588 1409 Fax: +234 1 425 977 8514
    Email: Contact: Dr B. O. Olorunfemi
    To provide voluntary health care education and training to physicians, dentists and other health care
    professionals; to promote clinical and research skills to enhance health care of indigent communities.
    Areas served: Nigeria
    Mother and Child Organisation
    Centre for Development, Information & Education
    PO Box 3927
    Sapon, Abeokuta Ogun State
    Contact: Mr A O Adeyale
    No further information available as yet.
    Preventive Dentistry Demonstration Centre
    Access Oral Healthcare Services
    1 Ogo-Oluwa Bankole Crescent
    Ibara Housing Estate
    PO Box 4422
    Ogun State
    Tel: +234 39 240118 Fax: +234 39 241928
    Contact: Mrs Sherifat Omowale Quadri
    To provide affordable quality preventive oral health services in deprived communities, mainly through training,
    consultancy, research and advocacy.
    Areas served: Nigeria
    Margalla Education Trust
    Margalla Institute of Health Sciences
    Pitrus Bokhari Road H-8/1
    Tel: +92 51 430264 Fax: +92 51 430264/445966
    Contact: Dr Abdul Qadir/Dr Rafiq Ghuncha
    This trust is to promote literacy, particularly in general health and oral health. Work in the areas of poor and
    needy people in Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan. To support the cause the trust has already developed a
    base hospital and arranged free medical and oral health camps in remote areas. Research in trans-cultural oral
    health, and starting PhD programme.
    Areas served: Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan
    Polish Society of Periodontology
    18 Miodowa Street
    00-246 Warsaw
    Tel: +48 22 6351747 Fax: +48 22 6352105
    Contact: Prof Marie Wierbickie
    No further information available as yet.
    A-Dent Foundation
    str Traian w 61, 8700 Constanta
    Tel: +40 41 617040 Fax: +40 41 617040
    Contact: Prof Corneliu Ameriei Email:
    Romanian National Association of Orthodontistry
    Bd Magheru 22, Et 4, Ap 6
    Sector 1
    Tel: +401 3151047 Contact: Prof Gheorghe Boboc
    No further information available as yet.
    Romanian Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    SF Spiridon Hospital
    Bd Independentei No 16
    Iasi 6600
    Tel: +403 2270965 Contact: Prof Dan Gogalniceanu
    No further information available as yet.
    St Jude Hospital
    Vieux Fort
    St. Lucia
    Tel: +1 809 454 6041 Fax: +1 809 454 6684
    Contact: Dr Curlyn Phillips-Jordan
    St. Jude Hospital is a 110 bed facility in the town of Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. St. Jude is responsible for serving the
    southern half of the island. Through the generous contributions from its volunteer physicians, it provides the
    best health care the equipment and supplies allow. St. Jude is currently managed by Mercy Hospital Medical
    Center in Des Moines, Iowa, and will be for the next five years. The long term goal is to make St. Jude Hospital
    a primary care facility for the West Indies.
    Areas Served: West Indies.
    Material: St. Jude accepts donations of medical supplies and equipment that can be used in its hospital.
    Division of Community
    University of the Witwatersrand – Medical School
    7 York Road
    Parktown, Johannesburg 2193
    Tel: +27-11-717 2594 Fax: +27-11-7172625
    Email: Contact: Dr Steffen Mickenautsch
    Primary Oral Health Care; Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) approach: Training, Research, Service
    implementation; Community Oral Health Worker (COHW): training, implementation research; Refugee oral
    health care; Health promotion; Oral manifestation HIV/AIDS; Community outreach; Traditional healer
    Areas served: South Africa, Ghana, DR Congo, Nigeria.
    Faculty of Dentistry
    University of Pretoria
    Box 1266
    Pretoria 0001

  • Health and Unilever Ghana Ltd to organise dental health education programmes on radio and television and to organise out-reach dental programmes for childrens’ homes and schools and rural communities.
    Areas served: Ghana.
    Unilever Ghana Ltd
    Box 64
    Tel: +233 24 311707 Fax: +233 28 212377
    Contact: Mr Roy Williamson
    To support the Ministry of Health in Ghana in promoting oral health in the country by organising training for
    school teachers on oral health education and supervised tooth brushing techniques.
    Areas served: Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria
    Pilot Project “Dental Care For The Handicapped”
    Jln. Hanglekieu 111/49
    Kebayoran Baru
    Jakarta Selatan
    Tel: +62 21 7243 123 Fax: +62 21 7254429
    Email: Contact: Dr S A Adiwoso
    Oral care for the handicapped and disabled in promotion and preventive dentistry. Oral health education for
    parents with handicapped, teachers in special schools, paramedical staff for handicapped. Teaching dental
    students and ART training.
    Areas served: Indonesia
    Yayasan Kesehatan Gigi Indonesia
    Jalsmn Anggrek 6
    40114 INDONESIA
    Tel: +62 22 7107208 Fax: +62 22 7107208
    Email: Contact: Dr Be Kien Nio
    Promote community oral health through education and prevention. Extensive programmes undertaken in
    schools, encouraging children to better oral hygiene by reading and actively writing about the subject.
    Areas served: Indonesia
    DVI – Dental Volunteers for Israel Organisation
    Hameyassdimstreet 2
    Jerusalem 96224
    Tel: +972 2 6436628 Fax: +972 2 6433623
    Email: Contact: Trudi Birger

    Free dental and prevention clinic for poor children (15-18 yrs). Main purpose is educational oral health project
    in Israel. All treatments are free of charge. Dental volunteers arrive from 12 different countries at their own
    expense for 1-4 weeks.
    Areas served: Israel
    Cooperazione Odontoiatrica Internazionle COI
    Italian Oral Care Aid
    Via Bona 47,
    10126 Torino
    Tel: +39 011 972 3892 Fax +39 011 972 92 94
    Email: Contact: Dr Giancarlo Vecchiati
    Contact: Jennifer Sardo Infirri Tel/ fax: +390941 911225
    The principle aim of COI, which was founded in 1993, is the promotion of oral health and care in disadvantaged
    Projects and Activities outside Italy:
    Preventive and health education programmes and training of local personnel (Bolivia 1995-99); Professional
    continuing education for colleagues ( Bosnia 1997-99, Palestine 1997, Tanzania 1994-98, India 1996-98);
    Renewal and re-equipping dental clinics and providing materials and units for oral care (Croatia 1995-96,
    Bosnia 1996-99, India 1996-98, Tanzania 1994-95, Ethiopia, Kenya 1993-96, Brazil 1998-99); Emergency
    missions (Somalia 1993, Bosnian refugees 1994-96, Tibetan refuges in India 1996, Kosovan refugees in
    Albania 1999 with the “Rainbow” mission.); Rehabilitation of oral care services after emergencies and wars
    (Croatia 1996, Bosnia 1997-98, Kosovo 2001 on-going); Direct interventions by volunteers to provide oral
    treatment (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Brazil, India, Kosovo, Serbia).
    Projects and activities in Italy
    Sensitization of Italian dental colleagues and the public about solidarity and international cooperation by
    providing information to the public concerning oral problems and needs in disadvantaged countries.
    University of Milan
    V Beldiletto 1/3
    20142 Milan
    Tel: +390 2 81 36 077 Fax: +390 2 81 30 200
    Contact: Prof L Strommenger
    Prevention of caries at community level.
    Areas served: Albania
    Japan Oral Health Service Association
    Yamakoshi Bldg.
    2-28-3, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
    Tokyo 113
    Tel: +81 3 3818 4158 Fax: +81 3 3818 2977
    Contact: Dr Motoi Morimoto
    No further information available yet.
    Japanese Society for Dental Health
    c/o Oral Health Association of Japan
    1-44-2 Komagome, Toshima-ku
    Tokyo 170
    Tel: +81 3 3947 8891 Fax: +81 3 3947 8341
    Contact: Dr Kokichi Miyatake
    No further information available yet.
    Kenya Dental Association
    Faculty of Dental Science
    University of Nairobi
    PO Box 19676
    Tel: +254 2 723 252 Fax: +254 2 723 252
    Email: Contact: Prof Jacob T Kaimenyi
    Creating dental health awareness of the Kenyan people. Providing free dental check ups. Training a dental
    health manpower to meet other oral health needs of Kenyan people.
    Areas served: Kenya, India
    University of Nairobi
    Faculty of Dental Sciences
    PO Box 19676
    Tel/Fax: +254 02 723252 Contact: Prof W R Lesan
    No further information available as yet.
    Institute of Stomatology
    Medical Academy of Latvia
    Dzirciema iela 20
    Riga LV1007
    Tel: +371 2455320 Fax: +371 7828155
    Contact: Dr Ilga Urtane
    Education, research, comprehensive methods of oral health management, treatment for dentofacial anomolies,
    preventive dentistry, paedodontics
    Latvian Oral Health Centre
    Medical Academy of Latvia
    Dzirciema Str 20
    LV 1007 Riga
    Tel: +371 2 455320 Fax: +371 2 455320
    Email: Contact: Dr Egita Senakola
    No further information available yet.
    Clinic of Stomatology Vilnius University
    Zalgirio 115
    2042 Vilnius
    Tel: +370 2 727589 Fax: +370 2 727569
    Email: Contact: Prof Irena Balciuniene
    The clinic is the head of the realisation of prophylaxis programme in Lithuania. Clinic workers together with
    students organise new events like “Week of the Smile”, “Month of the Healthy Teeth” competitions for poems
    and pictures. The clinic publishes different literature about caries, prophylaxis, organises seminars and
    conferences, TV and radio programmes. The clinic controls caries prevention programme in majority of the
    regions of Lithuania. The Clinic had developed a state caries prevention programme for children. It carried out
    epidemiological studies during the first period of the programme to evaluate the dental status of children.
    Caries prevention is carried out at schools, using oral hygiene, with fluoride toothpastes, fluoride rinses, gels,
    varnishes and sealants.
    Areas served: Lithuania
    Lithuanian Dental Association
    Vytauto 85-3
    Kaunas 3000-Lt
    Tel: +370 7 323 153 Fax: +370 7 323 153
    Email: Contact: Dr Vita Maciulskiene
    Promotion of oral health care in young population of the country
    Areas served: Lithuania
    Ministry of Health of Lithuania
    Vainiku 12
    Kaunas 3018-LT
    Tel: +370 7 297055 Fax: +370 7 297055
    Contact: Dr Gintaras Juodzbalys
    No further information available as yet.
    St John’s Hospital
    Dental Clinic
    PO Box 18
    Tel: +265 332 299 Fax: +265 332 461
    Contact: Dr GZY Vinkhumbo
    St John’s Hospital is a member of the Christian Health Association of Malawi which is itself an organisation of
    non-governmental hospitals and health centres of Malawi. There is a dental unit providing basic oral health
    care, together with a programme for primary schools, antenatal programme, nursing school programme and
    mobile clinic. Training and information is also disseminated via posters and audio-visual materials.
    Areas served: Malawi.
    PO Box 30390
    Tel: +265 782 755/450 Fax: +265 782 35
    Contact: Dr N Tekiemichael
    No further information available as yet.
    Malaysian Armed Forces Dental Services
    Armed Forces HQ
    Jalan Padang Tembak
    Kuala Lumpur 50634
    Tel: +60 3 2314815 Fax: +60 3 2315928
    Email: Contact: Brig Gen Hj Mohammed Termidzi Bin Hj Junaidi
    Provision of dental services/treatment to members of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) to conserve the
    fighting strength of the MAF.
    Areas served: Malaysia, Namibia, Cambodia, Somalia, Bosnia
    Oral Health Division
    Ministry of Health Malaysia
    Aras 23, Menara Dato’ Onn
    Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra
    50480 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: +60 3 2930495 Fax: +60 3 2930239
    Email: Contact: Dr Fawzia Dato Abdullah
    Provides dental services to the population in order to achieve and maintain optimal oral health for the individual,
    family and community by promoting positive dental habits, and through ensuring the delivery of quality and
    technologically appropriate dental care.
    University of Malaya
    Department of Community Dentistry
    50603 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: +60 3 7594805 Fax: +60 3 7594532
    Contact: Prof Ishak Abdul Razak
    No further information available yet.

  • Work undertaken with a number of organisations namely: World Health Organization, Geneva; Aide
    Odontologique Internationale, France; The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Several Universities in China
    WHO Collaborating Centre, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Since leaving salaried academic life at the University of Hong Kong in 1997, Dr Holmgren has devoted his activities to promoting oral health in developing countries and disadvantaged communities. This has involved the development of minimal intervention packages for oral health that are effective, appropriate and affordable. Primary interests are the development of ART and other minimal curative approaches for caries, affordable fluoride toothpastes, and methods for caries stabilisation.
    Areas served: China, India, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Russia, Brazil, Albania etc
    Faculty of Medicine of Nancy
    BP184, Vandoeuvre les Nancy 54505
    Contact: Prof F Kohler
    Computer-assisted learning and teaching. Work related to NOMA /Aids.
    Areas served: Cote d’Ivoire.
    UFSBD (French Union for Oral Health)
    7, rue Mariotte
    75017 Paris
    Tel: +33 1 44 90 72 89 Fax: +33 1 44 90 96 50
    Email: Contact: Dr Patrick Hescot,
    No further information available yet.
    *See excel file of German Orgs
    Altgold für die Dritte Welt
    Bezirkszahnärztekammer Karlsruhe
    Postfach 101862
    68018 Mannheim
    Tel: +49 621 380000 Fax: +49 621 334 247
    Contact: Dr Gutermann
    No further information available yet.
    ART Projektgruppe Gambia
    Universitat Witten-Herdecke
    Fakultat fur Zahn- Mund- u Kieferheilkunde
    Alfred-Herrhausen Str 50
    D-58448 Witten
    Tel: +49 2302 926695 Fax: +49 2302 926661
    Email: Contact: Dr Thomas Lietz
    Support for development of a dental service in deprived communities especially in rural areas; Community Oral
    Health Worker (COHW); ART; oral health promotion and education for inhabitants in rural areas.
    Areas served: Gambia
    Assocìação Communítária Monte Azul
    Schulstraße 87
    26180 Rastede
    Tel: +49 441 930 0 130 Fax: +49 441 930 0 13 20
    Contact: Dr Rudolf Völker
    Urbanisation in a slum region in São Paulo. Project aims are education, social education, cultural development,
    health care and oral health care.
    Areas served: Brazil
    Association for the Development of Dental Services in Third World Countries
    (Verein zur Unterstützung der Zahnmedizinischen Versorgung in Ländern der Dritten Welt e.V.)
    Rehwechsel 11, Rosengarten 21224
    Tel: +49 40 7964102 Fax: +49 4108 415466
    Email: Contact: Dr Stephan Krause
    Two projects (in Seychelles and Togo) sending volunteer dental surgeons every three months to these clinics,
    who treat the native people without payment, educating dental staff.
    Areas served: Seychelles, Togo
    Auslandsburo Artzekammer Berlin
    Eldtenstraße 28-42
    D-13407 Berlin
    Tel: +49 30 40806 138 Fax: +49 30 40806 164
    Contact: Dr Daniel Sagebul
    No further information available yet.
    German Dentist’s Sponsorship for Leprosy and Distressed Areas (C H Bartels Fund) (Hilfswerk
    Deutscher Zahnärzte für Lepra und Notgebiete)
    Hagenweg 2
    37081 Göttingen
    Tel: +49 551 600233 Fax: +49 551 600313
    Contact: Dr Klaus Winter Email:

    Sponsorship for leprosy and distressed areas.
    Areas served: Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Congo, Croatia,
    East Timor, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Romania, Ukraine
    Hilfe für Burkina Faso u. Weltweit
    Mahler Str. 91-93
    32427 Minden
    Tel: +49 571 23962 Fax: +49 571 24357
    Contact: Dr Wolfgang Panthenius
    No further information available yet.
    JINO e.v. Förderkreis (Zahn)gesundheit
    Reeser Str.382,
    D-46446 Emmerich
    Tel: +49 (0)2822 980234 Fax: +49 (0) 2822 980235
    Contact: Dr Johannes Pickers Email:

    Jino is a non-governmental organisation which develops partnerships among Tanzanians and Germans engaged
    in dental projects in Tanzania.
    Areas served: Tanzania
    ZA Willi Bertram
    Wesselheidweg 75
    53123 Bonn
    Tel: +49 228 642 0071 Fax: +49 228 641 524
    No further information available yet.
    Kinder von Tschernobyl
    Krauskopfallee 51
    65388 Schlangenbad
    Tel: +49 6129 2535 Contact: Dr M Mahrenholz-Pfannmüller
    Komitee Ärzte für die Dritte Welt
    Burchardstr 3
    48145 Münster
    Tel: +49 251 39 44 711 Email:
    Contact: Dr Bella Monse-Schneider
    Currently conducting an oral prevention programme for Filipino children, particularly focused on first graders’ primary
    as well as tertiary preventive measures. Activities include: dental health instruction; education of students;
    implementation of daily tooth brushing at schools; application of fluoride varnish 3 times a year by trained parents;
    setting up quarterly meeting for information exchange for parents and teachers.
    Areas served: Philippines
    WHO Collaborative Centre “Prevention of Oral Diseases”
    Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
    WHO CC “Prevention of Oral Diseases”
    Nordhäuser Str 78
    D-99089 Erfurt
    Tel: +49 361 7411309 Fax: +49 361 7411109
    Contact: Prof Annerose Borutta
    Epidemiology, oral health care systems, preventive programmes
    Areas served: Mongolia, Syria.
    Zahnärzte für Indien
    Oetelsbachstr. 8
    76275 Ettlingen
    Tel: +49 7243 39018 Fax: +49 8972 480 175
    Contact: Dr Ulrich Eimer Email:
    No further information available yet.
    Zahnärztliches Hilfsprojekt Brasilien
    Neureuthstr. 14
    83684 Tegernsee
    Tel: +49 8022-93140 Contact: Dr Siegfried Marquardt,
    No further information available yet.
    Zahnmedizinische Entwicklungshilfe (ZME)
    Schreberstraße 23 B
    D-52134 Herzogehrath
    Contact: Dr Walter Mautsch Email:
    No further information available yet.
    Comboni Centre Dental Department
    P.O. Box 100 Sogakope
    Tel/Fax: +233 902 210300 Contact: Giacomo Babaglioni
    The mission hospital is well equipped with a dental department composed of a European standard dental clinic
    with four dental units plus a dental laboratory and a school for dental technicians. The Dentist is not permanent.
    In Ghana there is a university for dentists but no official school for dental technicians; amongst other work at the
    mission hospital, is lobbying the Ghana Minister of Health and Education for improvements in dentistry in
    Ghana, for example, setting up an official dental technician school.
    Ghana Dental Association
    CDO MOH Headquarters
    PO Box M44
    Greater Accra Region
    Tel: +233 684 245 Fax: +233 21 666 808
    Contact: Dr Dan Berko
    The Association has been involved in promoting oral health in Ghana by collaborating with the Ministry of
    Health and Unilever Ghana Ltd to organise dental health education programmes on radio and television and to
    organise out-reach dental programmes for childrens’ homes and schools and rural communities.

  • Contributing to the improvement of health and dentistry across the world and in particular in developing countries.
    Areas served: Burundi, Haiti, Vietnam, Cambodia, Senegal, Mali, Romania, Peru, Togo
    Faculty of Dentistry
    Claude Bernard University
    Rue Guillaume Paradin
    69372 Lyon Cedex 08
    Tel: +33 4 78 77 86 81 Fax: +33 4 78 77 87 12
    Contact: Dr Denis Bourgeois
    Analysis of oral health situations including database management, oral health surveys, definition of strategy,
    goals and evaluation.
    Areas served: Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Guinee
    Fondation Aide Dentaire Afrique
    3 rue de Chevroches
    58500 Clamecy
    Tel/Fax: +33 3 86 27 39 93 Email:
    Contact: Dr Arnold Daems
    In 1991 Dr Daems and his wife moved to Rwanda and started work in improving oral health care financed by
    the AdA, itself funded wholly by private donations. He opened a daily polyclinic in Nyundo and developed a
    training program for local health workers.
    Areas served: Rwanda.
    22 avenue de Villiers
    75017 Paris, France
    Tel: +33 (0) 4 56 79 20 20 Contact: Dr Serge Rouquette
    No further information available yet.
    Prof Christopher Holmgren
    36220 Merigny
    TEL: +33 2 5437 1951 FAX: +33 5437 1951
    EMAIL: Contact: Prof Christopher Holmgren

    WHO Collaborating Centre
    1. Bd. G. Sofiiski
    Faculty of Stomatology
    Sofia 1431
    Tel: +359 2 54 12 02 Fax: +359 2 52 15 06
    Contact: Dr Nikola Atanassov
    Three previous projects with fluoridated milk (WHO/BDMF), epidemiology, community based oral health care -
    fluoride, training of trainers
    Areas served: Bulgaria
    Angkor Hospital for Children
    P.O. Box 50
    Siem Reap
    Tel: +855 063 963 490 Fax: +855 063 963 490
    +855 063 963 409 Contact: Jon F Morgan RN MPH
    No further information available yet.
    National Oral Health Prevention Program
    PO Box 1532
    #54CB, Street 390
    Beungkeng Kang
    Phnom Penh
    Contact: Dr Oum Teng Email:
    No further information available yet.
    World Concern Cambodia
    House 47 a Street 386
    Sangkat Boueng Keng Kang III
    Khan Camkar Mon, PO Box 612
    Phnom Penh
    Tel: +855 75974029 Fax: +855 23364941
    Email: Contact: Dr Kreg Mallow
    Nation-wide Oral Health Programmes in co-operation with Cambodian Ministry of Health, including teaching at
    national dental school and provision of materials, creation and implementation of a national training programme
    for dental nurses.
    Areas served: Cambodia
    Canadian Foundation for World Development
    2441 Bayview Ave.
    Willowdale, Ontario M2L 1A5
    Tel: +1 416 441 2573 Fax: +1 416 441 4025
    Contact: Mr Ken Davis
    No further information available yet.
    Areas served: Haiti, Mexico, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Guyana, Cuba, St. Vincent, Antigua,
    Barbados, St. Kitt’s, Trinidad, Tobago, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Brazil, Peru, Colombia,
    Bolivia, Croatia, Ukraine, Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia, Uganda, Zaire, Kenya, Sierre Leone, Sri Lanka, India
    Canadian International Development Agency
    200 Promenade du Portage
    Hull, Québec, KIA 1G4
    Tel: +1 819 997 5006 Fax: +1 819 953 6088
    +1 800 230 6349 (toll free) Email: Contact: Mr Robert Langlois, Project Officer
    No further information available yet.
    Christian Reformed Churches in North America
    3475 Main Way
    P.O. Box 5070
    Ontario L7R 3Y8
    Tel: +1 416 336 2920 Fax: +1 416 336 8344
    No further information available yet.
    Evangelical Medical Aid Society
    Box 160
    Warkworth, Ontario KOK 3KO
    Tel: +1 705 924 2323 Fax: +1 705 924 3384
    Email: Contact: Ellen Watson
    Provides a unit on oral health to village doctors who receive 4 weeks of intensive training upgrades. Canadian
    dentists and dental assistants/technicians provide one unit of this training. Other training programmes in China
    provide dental training upgrades for national dentists.
    Areas served: China – Kunming, Ningxia and other areas
    Instituto Caboverdiano de ACAO
    CP 21A Praia
    Republic of Cape Verde
    Tel: +238 613700 Fax: +238 612320
    Email: Contact: Dr Fernanda Toleda D’Elia
    No further information available yet.
    Facultad de Odontologia
    Universidad de Concepcion
    Avda Roosevelt 1550
    Casilla 160-C Concepcion
    Tel: +56 41 203368 Fax: +56 41 243311
    Email: Contact: Dr Alex Patricio Bustos Leal
    No further information available yet.
    Municipalidad de el Carmen
    Baquedano 385 El Carmen
    Provincia de Nuble, VIII Region
    Tel: +56 42 661016 Fax: +56 41 661007
    Contact: Dra Milena Cerda Tiznado
    No further information available yet.
    Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
    Apdo 10105
    San Jose
    Tel: +506 295 2320 Fax: +506 256 7898
    Contact: Dr Rolando Melendez Bolanos
    No further information available yet.
    Colegio Ciruganos Dentistas
    Barrio La California
    De la Bomba la Primavera 125 Mts
    San Jose
    Tel: +506 256 3100 Fax: +506 2057 3100
    Contact: Dr Octavio Argueta Cardona
    No further information available yet.
    Facultad de Odontologia
    Universidad de Costa Rica
    Cuidad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio
    San Pedro Montes de Oca
    San Jose
    Tel: +506 207 4342 Fax: +506 257 3100
    Contact: Dr Fernando Saenz Forero
    No further information available yet.
    Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
    Facultad de Odontologia
    San Pedro de Montes de Oca
    PO Box # 1561-2050 San José
    Tel: +506 207 6154 Fax: +506 225 4161
    Email: Contact: Dr Rodrigo Villalobos
    Academic institution, dental school with strong interest in promotion of oral health of community and formation
    of excellent professional in graduate programme; we need to improve our post-graduate programmes.
    Areas served: Costa Rica
    Dental Services
    Nicosia General Hospital
    Ministry of Health
    Tel: +357 2 801 820 Fax: +357 2 369 148
    Contact: Ekaterini Savvidou
    No further information available yet.
    Danish International Development Agency
    Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Asiatisle Plads 2
    1448 Copenhagen
    Tel: +45 33 921049 Fax: +45 33 920493
    Contact: Mrs Berle Ilsøe
    No further information available yet.
    School of Dentistry
    Centre for Community Oral Health Programmes & Research
    University of Copenhagen
    20 Nörre Alle
    DK2200 Copenhagen
    Tel: +45 35 326790 Fax: +45 35 326799
    Email: Contact: Prof Poul Erik Petessen
    Health system research, health sociological analysis, community-based oral health care, organisation of oral
    health programmes, cost-effectiveness, methods in oral health education, culture and oral health, oral
    epidemiological analysis, advanced statistics and multivariate analysis.
    Areas served: Madagascar, Tanzania, Niger, Burkina Faso, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, PR China
    WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Health Planning and Research in Third World Countries
    Royal Dental College
    9 Vennelyst Boulevard
    Aarhus DK-8000
    Tel: +45 8942 4144 Fax: +45 8613 6550
    Email: Contact: Prof Sven Poulsen
    Support oral health care based on PHC principles; develop alternative oral health personnel and technology;
    advise on and manage projects; provide training.
    Areas served: Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, China, Chile
    Alexandria Dental Research Center (ADRC – Rural Oral Health Care/Volunteers)
    7 Charaway St.
    Tel: +20 3 3580713 Fax: +20 3 4809783
    Contact: Dr Sherif Helal
    Specialises in pediatric dental caries prevention
    Areas served: Egypt
    Community Development & Environmental Affairs
    Champolion St,Azarita
    University of Alexandria, Faculty of Dentistry
    Tel: +203 4834817 / 4828066 Fax: +203 4828286
    Contact: Dr Ahmed Abdella, Vice Dean
    No further information available yet.
    Directorate of Health Affairs
    Dental Medical Department
    97 Horriyah Street
    Tel: +203 4938649 Fax: +203 4938649
    No further information available yet.
    Faculty of Medicine
    Community Medicine Dept
    Monsoura University
    Mansoura 35516
    Contact: Dr Abdel-Hady El-Gilany
    To provide community health, especially primary health care and maternity and child health care.
    Areas served: Egypt, Saudi Arabia
    Health Insurance Organisation (HIO)
    North West Delta Branch
    2 El Kenysah El Englisiah street
    Tel: +203 5423733 Contact: Dr Mohamed Hazem Helmy
    The dental department aims to promote oral health amongst school children and sends dentists and a health
    education team to educate children in oral hygiene.
    Areas served: Egypt
    Rural Oral Health Care
    7 Charawy Street
    Louran, Alexandria
    Tel: +203 35 80713 Fax: +203 48 09783
    Contact: Dr Sherif Helal
    To maintain caries data bank of rural and suburban children; to provide fluoride testing for anticaries strategies.
    Areas served: Egypt.
    Estonian Association of Oral Health & Prevention
    Raekdja Plats 6
    51003 Tartu
    Tel: +372 7433908 Fax: +372 7375323
    Contact: Dr Silvia Russak
    No further information available yet.
    Helsinki International Institute for Oral Health
    University of Helsinki
    Institute of Dentistry
    00014 Helsinki
    Tel: +358 9 19127279 Fax: +358 9 19127517
    Email: Contact: Dr Juha Ruotoistenmaki
    Post-graduate and continuing education in oral health; research, oral health promotion; planning and running
    oral health programmes.
    Areas served: Finland, India, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Latvia, Russia, UAE.
    Aide Odontologique Internationale
    16, Avenue de Villiers
    Paris 75017
    Tel: +33 1 46 22 04 44 Fax: +33 1 46 22 63 68
    Email: Contact: Bernard Decroix

    Public Health Secretariat
    Bordieu 460 – Tigre 1648
    Buenos Aires 1648
    Tel: +54 11 4512 4481/82 Fax: +54 11 4512 4481/82
    Contact: Graciela Roes/Dr Emilio Gimenez
    We are dedicated to primary oral health care for the community of Tigre (promotion/prevention/oral assistance),
    especially focused on children and low income general population. Co-ordination and evaluation of preventive
    Areas served: Tigre
    Comision de Educacion para la Salud de la Confederacion Odontologica de la Republica Argentina
    Rio Bamba 373
    20P Capital Federal
    Buenos Aires
    No further information available yet.
    Dr Helmut Euler-Rolle
    A-1160 Wien
    Erzenkelstrasse 281113
    Tel: +43 1 493 1306 Fax: +43 1 493 13064
    No further information available yet.
    Pro Homine – Dental Aid Project
    Lauteracher Str. 3
    6922 Wolfurt
    Tel: +43 5574 713 14 10 Fax: +54 5574 71314 9
    Email: Contact: Dr Peter Huemer
    Training of students in the field of dentistry. Supporting the students in running their own practice. Supporting
    dental schools in Kampala and Addis Ababa.
    Areas served: Uganda, Ethiopia
    The Belarusian Association of Private Dentists
    13/61 V. Khoruzhaya Street
    220000 Minsk
    Tel: +375 17 2 286114 Fax: +375 17 2 286114
    Contact: Yashshuk Zhanna
    No further information available yet.
    Minsk State Medical Institute
    Department of General Dentistry
    28 Sukhaya Street
    220004 Minsk
    Tel: +375 17 2265091 Fax: +375 17 2265091
    Contact: Prof M Poloneychik
    Teaching students in the field of stomatology on the basis of simulators and the post-graduate teaching of
    young dental doctors.
    Areas served: Belarus
    Department of Dentistry
    1 Chuklaia Str
    225710 Pinsk
    Tel: +375 16 5358660 Fax: +375 16 5356634
    No further information available yet.
    Verbond der Vlaamse Tandartsen
    Vrijheidslaan 61
    1081 Brussels
    Tel: +32 2 413 00 13 Fax: +32 2 414 87 27
    Contact: Karel Bergé Email:

    Co-ordination all over the world for dental aid. Programme for colleagues in Romania.
    Areas served: Romania
    Pedro Martinelli Institute
    Rua Loefgreen 1291-6 andar – conj 61 Vila Mariana
    SãoPaulo 04040-031
    Tel/Fax: +5511 5773 0776 Contact: Sílvia Martinelli
    Created in 1999 to promote oral health helping needed pregnant women, theirs babies and elderly people. The
    Milk People and To Live Smiling projects give permanent care to more than 300 patients in homes
    Areas Served: Brazil
    SBAL – Saude Bucal na America Latina
    Rotary International – Distrito 4610
    Av. Professor Alfonso Bovero, 1110
    05019-10 São Paulo /S.P.
    Tel: +55 11 3871 0027 Fax: +55 11 3871 0027
    Email: Contact: Evandro M Lagos
    Assembles dentists and other oral health professionals for voluntary service and contacting organisation
    interested in co-operation.
    Borrow Dental Milk Foundation
    V Tarnovo Str 24
    Faculty of Dentistry
    Higher Medical Institute
    Tel: +359 32 6114/244 Fax: +359 32 264277
    Email: Contact: Dr Emilija Ilieva
    No further information available yet.
    Higher Medical Institute
    Faculty of Dentistry
    V Tarnovo Str 24
    Plovdiv 4000
    Tel: +359 32 6114/248 Fax: +359 32 264277
    Email: Contact: Dr Stenja Uaslinkova
    Prophylaxis, conservative treatment, prosthodontics, epidemiology, oral health promotion, information provision.
    Areas served: Bulgaria

    Dental Health International Nederlands
    Postbox 3185
    3760 DD SOEST
    Tel: +31 53 60 32 536 Fax: +31 35 60 32 530
    Contact: Dr. James Huddleston Slater Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Dental Volunteers for Israel
    V. Vredenburchweg 9345
    2284 TS Rijswijk
    No further information available as yet.
    Wittevrouwensingel 5
    3581 6A Utrecht
    Tel: + 31 30 231 8825 Contact: Mrs E S van Luyn
    No further information available as yet.
    Nihp/Netherlands International Health platform
    PO Box 19.52
    3501 DD Utrecht
    Tel: +31 30 230 6580 Fax: +31 30 230 6581
    No further information available as yet.
    NOHS Nepal Oral Health Society
    Nepal in Training ART
    Butewei 24
    Lippenhuizen 8408 HC
    Tel: +31 513 466665 Fax: +31 513 466430
    Email: Contact: Mr W Bink
    No further information available as yet.
    WHO Collaborating Centre
    PO Box 9101
    6500HB Nijmegen
    Tel: +31 24 361 4050 Fax: +31 24 354 0265
    Contact: Dr Frans Mikx
    Community oral health, ART, functional dental arch, fluorides and chlorhexidine.
    Areas served: Tanzania, China, Indonesia, Syria, Vietnam
    Secretariat of the Pacific Community
    Deputy Director General
    BPD5 98848 Noumea Cedex
    Tel: +687 262000 Fax: +687 263818
    Contact: Ms Lourdes Pangelinen
    No further information available as yet.
    Education & Health Resources International
    29 Lagos-Badagry Expressway
    Lasu Bus Stop, Ojo
    Lagos, Box 15692
    Ikeja, Lagos
    Tel: +234 1 588 1409 Fax: +234 1 425 977 8514
    Email: Contact: Dr B. O. Olorunfemi
    To provide voluntary health care education and training to physicians, dentists and other health care
    professionals; to promote clinical and research skills to enhance health care of indigent communities.
    Areas served: Nigeria
    Mother and Child Organisation
    Centre for Development, Information & Education
    PO Box 3927
    Sapon, Abeokuta Ogun State
    Contact: Mr A O Adeyale
    No further information available as yet.
    Preventive Dentistry Demonstration Centre
    Access Oral Healthcare Services
    1 Ogo-Oluwa Bankole Crescent
    Ibara Housing Estate
    PO Box 4422
    Ogun State
    Tel: +234 39 240118 Fax: +234 39 241928
    Contact: Mrs Sherifat Omowale Quadri
    To provide affordable quality preventive oral health services in deprived communities, mainly through training,
    consultancy, research and advocacy.
    Areas served: Nigeria
    Margalla Education Trust
    Margalla Institute of Health Sciences
    Pitrus Bokhari Road H-8/1
    Tel: +92 51 430264 Fax: +92 51 430264/445966
    Contact: Dr Abdul Qadir/Dr Rafiq Ghuncha
    This trust is to promote literacy, particularly in general health and oral health. Work in the areas of poor and
    needy people in Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan. To support the cause the trust has already developed a
    base hospital and arranged free medical and oral health camps in remote areas. Research in trans-cultural oral
    health, and starting PhD programme.
    Areas served: Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan
    Polish Society of Periodontology
    18 Miodowa Street
    00-246 Warsaw
    Tel: +48 22 6351747 Fax: +48 22 6352105
    Contact: Prof Marie Wierbickie
    No further information available as yet.
    A-Dent Foundation
    str Traian w 61, 8700 Constanta
    Tel: +40 41 617040 Fax: +40 41 617040
    Contact: Prof Corneliu Ameriei Email:
    Romanian National Association of Orthodontistry
    Bd Magheru 22, Et 4, Ap 6
    Sector 1
    Tel: +401 3151047 Contact: Prof Gheorghe Boboc
    No further information available as yet.
    Romanian Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    SF Spiridon Hospital
    Bd Independentei No 16
    Iasi 6600
    Tel: +403 2270965 Contact: Prof Dan Gogalniceanu
    No further information available as yet.
    St Jude Hospital
    Vieux Fort
    St. Lucia
    Tel: +1 809 454 6041 Fax: +1 809 454 6684
    Contact: Dr Curlyn Phillips-Jordan
    St. Jude Hospital is a 110 bed facility in the town of Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. St. Jude is responsible for serving the
    southern half of the island. Through the generous contributions from its volunteer physicians, it provides the
    best health care the equipment and supplies allow. St. Jude is currently managed by Mercy Hospital Medical
    Center in Des Moines, Iowa, and will be for the next five years. The long term goal is to make St. Jude Hospital
    a primary care facility for the West Indies.
    Areas Served: West Indies.
    Material: St. Jude accepts donations of medical supplies and equipment that can be used in its hospital.
    Division of Community
    University of the Witwatersrand – Medical School
    7 York Road
    Parktown, Johannesburg 2193
    Tel: +27-11-717 2594 Fax: +27-11-7172625
    Email: Contact: Dr Steffen Mickenautsch
    Primary Oral Health Care; Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) approach: Training, Research, Service
    implementation; Community Oral Health Worker (COHW): training, implementation research; Refugee oral
    health care; Health promotion; Oral manifestation HIV/AIDS; Community outreach; Traditional healer
    Areas served: South Africa, Ghana, DR Congo, Nigeria.
    Faculty of Dentistry
    University of Pretoria
    Box 1266
    Pretoria 0001
    Tel: +27 12 319 2519 Fax: +27 27 12 325 2863
    Email: Contact: Prof P J van Wyk
    No further information available as yet.
    Islamic Medical Association (IMA)
    PO Box 48786
    Qualbert 4078
    Tel: +27 31 207 2250 Fax: +27 31 207 2260
    No further information available as yet.
    Mobile Health Care
    Portfolio Manager: Health
    PO Box 72501
    2122 Parkview
    Contact: Ms Lynette Coetzee Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Oral Hygienists – KZNPA
    PO Box 8944
    Cumberwood 3235
    Kwa Zulu Natal
    Tel: +331 897 3163 Fax: +331 979768
    Contact: Dr Mahjabeen Fazloodeen
    Aiming to promote preventative methods rather than resorting to curative methods.
    Areas served: South Africa.
    Oral Hygienist Association of S Africa
    PO Box 6014
    Roggebaai 80/2
    Fax: +27 21421
    No further information available as yet.
    Odontologia Solidaria
    Cea Bermudez 36-1 C
    Tel: +34 1 534 6829 Fax: +34 1 535 1259
    Contact: Dra Mercedes Morato Pasalodos Email:

    No further information available as yet.
    College of Community Dentistry of Sri Lanka
    11/4 Schofield Place
    Tel: +94 1 588454 Contact: Dr K Krishnarasa
    The college is mainly interested in promoting positive dental health in the community through promotion,
    prevention and educational programmes. It provides the opportunity for dental health personnel to update their
    knowledge and skills, carry out research and post-graduate education in dental public health.
    Areas served: Sri Lanka
    Health Education Bureau
    Ministry of Health
    No 145 Dharmapala Mawatha
    Colombo 7
    Tel: 00 94 1 436047
    Email: Contact: Dr Mano Fernando
    No further information available as yet.
    Professional Centre
    275/75 Bauddhaloka Mawatha
    Colombo 7
    Tel/fax: 00 94 1 595417 Contact: Dr Adly Mohamed
    No further information available as yet.
    Faculty of Odontology
    Göteborg University
    Department of Oral Microbiology
    Box 450
    Göteborg SE-40530
    Tel: +46 31 7733262 Fax: +46 31 825733
    Email: Contact: Prof Gunnar Dahléu
    Periodontology and cariology, micro-biological aspects. Other oral infections, prophylaxis measures, treatment
    implementations, oral health promotion
    Areas served: Kenya, Thailand, China
    Faculty of Odontology
    Malmö University
    Centre for Oral Health Sciences
    Carl Gustafs väg 34
    SE-214 21 Malmö
    Tel: +46 40 322142 Fax: +46 40 322145
    Contact: Prof Douglas Bratthall
    No further information available as yet.
    The Rotary Doctor Bank, Dental Division
    Stzandvagen 24
    44332 Lerum
    Tel: +4630 213157 Fax: +4631 165439
    Contact: Dr Ake Lagerquist Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Secours Dentaire International (SDI)
    Zürcherstrasse 6
    9500 Wil SG
    Tel: +41 71 911 5755 Fax: +41 71 911 8757
    Contact: Dr. med. dent. Jürg Ernst Jent
    No further information available as yet.
    Zahnärzte für Rumänien (SPR)
    Dr. med. dent. Werner Frunz
    Bahnhofstrasse 24
    5400 Baden
    Tel: +41 56 222 0050 Fax: +41 56 222 0053
    No further information available as yet.
    WHO Demonstration, Training and Research Center for Health
    Dental School Health Department
    P.O.Box 60184
    Contact: Dr Nabil Beiruti
    Established in 1982 to work nationally and regionally to promote and develop oral health for the population,
    especially children. The fields of interest are planning of oral health programmes, evaluation, training of
    manpower in dental public health, carrying out of oral health research, developing of appropriate dental
    techniques, and producing oral health education and training materials
    Areas served: Syria
    Association of Family Dentistry
    No 18 Szu-Yuan St
    Taipei 100
    Tel: +2 2365 9396 Fax: +2 2365 9376
    Contact: Chang Chin-Shun
    No further information available as yet.
    Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
    4F, No 52 Hsing-Sheng S Road Sec 3
    Taipei, Taiwan
    Tel: +2 2363 7673 Fax: +2 2363 7673
    Contact: Huang Shun-Te
    No further information available as yet.
    Central Oral Health Unit
    Ministry of Health
    PO Box 273
    Tel: +255 51 124237/120261 Contact: Dr H J Mosha/Dr Y Hemed
    Epidemiology, research methodology and planning community oral health care programmes.
    Areas served: Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe
    World Concern
    37 – 501 Phetburi 15
    Bangkok 10400
    Contact: Dr C Durward
    No further information available as yet.
    Tonga Dental Association
    Ministry of Health
    Tel: +676 23200 ext 56 Fax: +676 24291
    Contact: Dr Latu
    Endeavouring to ensure that the water supply for the main town ise fluoridated in order to minimise caries in
    school children; arranging training for auxiliaries (dental therapists and assistants) to help in primary oral health
    care and training by the people in oral health care.
    Areas served: Tonga
    Project Heritage House
    8 Chaykovsogo Str. Suite 1
    UKRAINE 65206
    Tel: +380 48 731 4229 Contact: Dr Paul Becker
    The Odessa Boarding School Orphanage Number Four was built in 1959 for a population of 200 students. It
    currently houses 419 children. Odessa Boarding School Number Four is unique in tht it is strictly for orphans.
    The orphanage belongs to the city of Odessa.
    In the summer of 2000, the Salvation Army and Harvest International fornmed a joint venture and signed a
    contract with the Ukrainian Minister of Education. The purpose of this programme is to supplement the
    educational programme at the orphanage. This programmes is entitled Project Heritage House. The chairman
    of Baltimore-Odessa Sister Cities and a United States Peace Corps Volunteer also work within Project Heritage
    Project Heritage House’s role is to supplement basic services and material needs that were originally meant to
    be provided by the city government. Because of Ukraine’s current poor economical situation the city
    government currently cannot meet these needs. Project Heritage House provides assistance in the areas of
    children’s education, material, and nutritional needs.
    Both Sister Cities International ( and Harvest International
    ( are American organisations registered as nonprofits both in the United
    States and Ukraine. Harvest International is a Christian organisation.
    Borrow Dental Milk Foundation
    Padnell Grange, Cowplain, Portsmouth, PO8 8ED
    Tel: +44 2392 262222 Fax: +44 2392 241401
    Contact: Prof Norman Whitehouse Email:

    The Borrow Dental Milk Foundation is a UK registered charity, a non profit making organisation, actively
    involved in the promotion of milk as a vehicle for fluoride for the benefit of children’s oral health.
    As part of an international research programme the Foundation supports two main streams of activity:
    • schemes in the community – supporting the fluoridation of milk supplied to children under existing
    distribution systems.
    • clinical and laboratory studies designed to strengthen the scientific base for milk fluoridation carried out
    at dental research establishments in various countries.
    British Fluoridation Society
    4th Floor
    University of Liverpool
    School of Dentistry
    Liverpool U69 3GN
    Tel: +44 151 706 5216 Fax: +44 151 706 5845
    Email: Contact: Mrs Sheila Jones
    Promotion of water fluoridation in order to effectively reduce levels of tooth decay.
    Areas served: UK
    The Cordent Trust
    Summit House
    Summit Road
    Potters Bar
    Herts EN6 3EE
    Tel: +44 1732 833450 Fax: +44 870 1281423
    Contact: Mrs Creek Wier Email:
    Areas served: Many and varied. Projects supported if appropriate
    The Old Sawmills
    Giles Lane
    Wiltshire SP5 2BG
    Tel: +44 1794 324249 Fax: +44 1794 323871
    Email: Contact: Dr Jenny Worldley/Mr Luke Wordley
    Dentaid UK is a charity which collects used western dental equipment, refurbishes it in a workshop then sends
    it to sites in the developing world where requests had been received. Intentions are to go on to develop
    strategies for oral health education and primary treatment in the areas where equipment is supplied.
    Areas served: Many and varied. Projects supported if appropriate.
    Teeth Relief
    The Sunnymede Trust
    1 Laneway
    Sunnymead Road
    London SW15 5HX
    Tel: +44 20 8878 6129 Fax: +44 20 8480 8085
    Contact: Dr Sharon Rankin
    No further information available as yet.
    WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Oral Health
    Department of Child Dental Health
    Dental School
    Framlington Place
    Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW
    Tel: +44 191 222 7863/8242 Fax: +44 191 222 5928
    Email: Contact: Prof Andrew J Rugg-Gunn
    To encourage scholarship, improve knowledge and facilitate action in the field of nutrition and oral health. To
    further the knowledge and understanding of nutrition and oral health world-wide. To encourage and assist in
    research in the field and to facilitate learning and the exchange of information.
    Areas served: Sri Lanka, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan
    WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Cancer and Precancer
    Kings College School of Medicine & Dentistry
    Caldecot Road
    London SE5 9RW
    Tel: +44 20 7346 3608 Fax: +44 20 7346 3624
    Email: Contact: Prof Newell Johnson
    To research and develop oral health in developing countries and to integrate oral health with general health.
    Active in cancer, HIV/AIDS, periodontal diseases.
    Areas served: India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia
    Academy of Dentistry International
    P.O. Box 307
    Hicksville, Ohio 43526-0307
    Tel: +1 419 542 0101 Fax: +1 419 542 6883
    Email: Contact: Dr Robert L Ramus
    The Academy of Dentistry International is devoted to the advancement of the dental profession by the elevation
    of dental-care standards through continuing education. By the support and sponsorship of special educational
    and service projects, the Academy directly contributes to the improvement of dental health and to the well-being
    of people worldwide.
    Areas served: Worldwide
    Material: It solicits dental books, instruments, equipment, journals and video tapes
    Academy of LDS Dentists
    PO Box 211404
    Salt Lake City
    Utah 84121-8404
    Tel: +1 801 378 6757 Fax: +1 801 378 6361
    Contact: Tim Watabe
    The Academy of LDS Dentists is an organisation of dental professionals dedicated to serving mankind. It
    endeavours to provide dental expertise and manpower to underserved areas of the world. In addition to patient
    treatment, it provides dental education to increase the expertise of local professionals. It also provides
    scholarship funds for domestic and international students. A quality yearly conference is held on the Brigham
    Young University campus.
    Areas served: worldwide
    Material: It provides dental equipment and supplies to many underserved areas of the world and solicits
    Africa Inland Mission
    PO Box 178
    Pearl River, New York 10965
    Tel: +1 914 735 4014 Fax: +1 914 735 1814
    Contact: Warren Day
    Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is an interdenominational Christian organization with a goal of establishing nurturing
    churches of Christ. One of AIM’s means of establishing churches is through medical service to the people of
    Africa. AIM uses dental and medical personnel in hospitals, dispensaries, mobile clinics and community health
    care. AIM is supported by the tax deductible contributions of others and by volunteer personnel. Dental
    Equipment and supplies are also welcome.
    Areas Served: Fourteen countries in Africa.
    Material: AIM accepts donated dental equipment and supplies for its personnel in Africa.
    All God’s Children Oral Health Project
    1956 Honeysuckle Lane
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
    Tel: +1 513 232 4603 Fax: +1 513 231 9346
    Contact: Dr Stephen W Curran
    The All God’s Children Oral Health Project is a non-profit, interdenominational organization which brings
    preventive and restorative dental care to children living in the orphanages of Eastern Europe. The mobile dental
    clinic is staffed by volunteer American dental professionals working cooperatively with their Eastern European
    colleagues. This provides local dental volunteers with the opportunity to learn new procedures and work with
    modern dental equipment supplied by the program. The Project has government approval to import supplies
    without paying tariffs.
    Areas Served: Bulgaria and Romania.
    Material: Tax deductible cash donations, portable dental equipment, instruments, supplies and medicines are
    American Dental Volunteers for Israel
    108-13 67th Road
    Forest Hills, New York 11375
    Tel: +1 718 263 4918 Contact: Dr Paul Jarmon
    The American Dental Volunteers for Israel recruits dentists and dental hygienists for two four-week stints at a
    kibbutz in Israel. All accommodations are provided (food and living quarters). Volunteers work 20 hours a week
    only. Transportation is not provided.
    Areas Served: Israel.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    American Dentists for Foreign Service
    619 Church Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11218
    Tel: +1 718 436 8686 Contact: Dr Herman Ivanhoe/Anne Brearley
    American Dentists for Foreign Service (ADFS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving developing
    countries exclusively through dentistry, with the assistance of dentists, hygienists, teachers and service people.
    Transportation is supplied by the traveling personnel. Subsistence by the host agency or county.
    Dental equipment, used but serviced, is crated and shipped. The equipment is offered free, but the receiving
    country must supply warehouse, service and shipping expenses.
    Dental Schools will be given preference over clinics or hospitals to receive large quantities of equipment in
    order to increase the dental profession within that country and to supply more services to the people. Clinics
    and hospitals will be supplied with small quantities.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: Donated equipment is utilized in the program.
    American Medical Resources Foundation Inc. (AMRF)
    PO Box 3609
    Brockton, Massachusetts 02404-3609
    Tel: +1 508 580 3301 Fax: +1 508 580 3306
    Contact: Mr David P Harrington
    American Medical Resources Foundation (AMRF) donates used, but fully operational medical and dental
    equipment to hospitals and clinics serving the poor in third world and developing nations. AMRF also offers the
    services of a corps of qualified biomedical engineers and technicians who volunteer to teach maintenance
    procedures and assist in setting up maintenance and calibration facilities at the recipient institutions. AMRF is a
    tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is registered with the U.S.
    Agency for International Development. Donated equipment already shipped ranges from beds to monitors, xray,
    pulmonary, cardiac, ultrasonic diagnostic, operating rooms, and other diverse equipment for general and
    specialized use in prenatal, natal, pediatric, and adult departments.
    Areas Served: Developing countries worldwide.
    Material: Donated equipment is utilized in the program.
    Armenian-American Health Association of Greater Washington
    1160 Varnun St., N.E. Suite 308
    Washington, D.C. 20017
    Tel: +1 202 529 3756 Fax: +1 202 529 5474
    Contact: Hayk Kaftarian
    The Association’s goals are to provide and facilitate health care, to improve health care delivery systems, and to
    educate and train health care professionals and the general public in health care. The program provides
    biomedical and technical information and support as well as assists in research and development.
    Areas Served: Armenia and Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
    Material: All types of medications, medical and dental equipment, and educational activities to be donated for
    shipment to the Armenian Health Ministry.
    AYUDA Inc.
    1520 East Lincoln Avenue
    Anaheim, California 92805
    Tel: +1 714 774 6330 Fax: +1 714 774 4052
    Contact: Dr Harris N Done
    Ayuda, Inc. is a private non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the health of needy people in North and
    Central America. It conducts dental clinics twice a year in Belize and Mexico. Volunteers pay their own
    expenses. Ayuda provides supplies and equipment. Ayuda also sponsors free dental clinics in the U.S. at
    needy schools
    Areas Served: Belize, Mexico and USA (Southern California)
    Material: Ayuda solicits donations and dental equipment and supplies.
    Carelift International
    One Belmont Avenue
    GSB Building, Suite 4/25
    Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
    Tel: +1 610 617 0995 Fax: +1 610 668 0930
    Email: Contact: Carroll Caulfield
    Carelift International’s health education development programme has 5 goals: (1) foster health development, (2)
    address the long term needs of countries that are struggling to establish modern methods of healthcare
    delivery, (3) establish new educational programmes, (4) strengthen existing programmes, and (5) address
    public health needs.
    Areas served: Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belarus, Georgia, Cyprus, Albania, Croatia,
    Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Bratislava, Israel, Lithuania, Jordan
    Catholic Medical Mission Board Inc
    10 West 17th Street
    New York, New York 10011-5765
    Tel: +1 212 242 7757 Fax: +1 212 807 9161
    Contact: Joseph A Latella, S.J.
    Catholic Medical Mission Board seeks licensed dentists to volunteer their services in Catholic health care
    facilities for the medically disenfranchised.
    Applicants must be fully licensed with two years of professional experience and maintain current registration in
    the United States or Canada. Arrangements for single and married applicants with children are available.
    Volunteers are expected to provide their own transportation to and from the international location where they
    are placed.
    Independent health care facilities accept volunteers for short-term (one-six months) and long term (one-two
    years) assignments. Room and board are provided for all applicants. A modest stipend is available for longterm
    Areas Served: Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, India, Papua New Guinea.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    CERT International
    (Christian Emergency Relief Teams)
    PO Box 188008
    Carlsbad, California 92018
    Tel: +1 619 431 9890 Fax: +1 619 431 9893
    Contact: Dr. Ken Daugherty
    CERT International is a non-profit interdenominational relief organization providing short term opportunities for
    medical and dental professionals, para professions, construction personnel, and lay people to various parts of
    the world.
    CERT Teams have gone from large metro areas such as Bucharest, Romania and Lima, Peru to remote
    jungles of Papua New Guinea, Honduras and Nicaragua; from war-torn areas such as Afghanistan, Nicaragua,
    Mozambique, Croatia and Bosnia to former communist countries such as Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and
    The basic philosophy of CERT is to go where little if any help is being given.
    Areas Served: Countries in Central & South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Africa, Southeast Asia and
    Christian Dental Society
    PO Box 177
    Sumner, Iowa 50674
    Tel: +1 800 237 7368 Fax: +1 319 578 8843
    Contact: Dr Richard C Haw
    Recruits volunteers for short-term volunteer dental mission trips to developing nations. Serving areas in need
    since 1962.
    Areas Served: Worldwide – South America, Caribbean, Central America, Russia and the South Pacific.
    Material: Dental materials, equipment and supplies.
    Christian Mission of Pignon, Inc.
    P.O. Box 743 – 403 Main Street
    Lake Village
    Arkansas 71653
    Tel: +1 870 265 2111 Fax: +1 870 265 2112
    Email: Contact: Dr Marvin D. Loyd
    CMP serves as an open window to and for Christianity to nurture the spiritual growth of the people in the area of
    Pignon, Haiti and assist them in the development of long term, self-sustaining program efforts in the areas of
    preventive and acute health care; functional literacy and educational opportunities; clean water and essential
    sanitation facilities; agricultural development and training; and community and economic development.
    Areas served: Haiti
    Citizens Democracy Corps
    2021 K Street, NW
    Suite 215
    Washington, D.C. 20036
    Tel: +1 202 872 0933/+1 800 394 1945 Fax: +1 202 872 0923
    Contact: Jill Schiager
    Citizens Democracy Corps (CDC) is a private, non-profit organization which mobilizes US private sector
    expertise and resources to assist the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
    (NIS) of the former USSR. CDC programs respond directly to the needs brought to its attention by government,
    civic, and industry leaders in the region. Through its Citizens Volunteer Program (CVP), CDC recruits and fields
    teams of US volunteers to participate in locally-designed institution-building projects in diverse program sectors.
    In the health sector, CDC fields requests for hospital administrators, deans and assistant deans of medical and
    dental schools.
    Areas Served: Central and Eastern Europe; New Independent States (of former USSR).
    Material: The program does not utilize donated dental material.
    Community Church of Greenwood
    1477 West Main Street
    Greenwood, Indiana 46142
    Tel: +1 317 888 6024 Fax: +1 317 885 2648
    Contact: Charles Coleman
    Community Church of Greenwood serves as the dental clinic for the areas surrounding San Salvador, El
    Areas Served: El Salvador
    Material: General dental equipment and materials
    PO Box 1790
    Santa Ana, California 92702
    Tel: +1 714 953 8575 Fax: +1 714 953 1242
    Contact: Marianne Loewe
    CONCERN/America is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life (including
    health care) for rural populations in developing countries through training and education of local personnel. It is
    supported through the contributions of interested individuals and small foundations. CONCERN/America is not
    affiliated with any religious organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
    Areas Served: Mexico, Central America, and some locations in Africa.
    Material: Dental equipment, especially small instruments.
    Creighton University School of Dentistry
    2500 California Plaza
    Omaha, Nebraska 68178
    Tel: +1 402 280 5098 Fax: +1 402 280 5094
    Contact: Dr Romer Ocanto
    The purpose of the program is to collaborate with faculty and researchers at Central University of Venezuela
    School of Dentistry and Institute of Dental Research. Training and research collaboration in the areas of
    epidemiology are applied to research in oral biology, microbiology, oral pathology and genetics, to take place
    once a year. The program is to be supported by grant money from a private foundation. The program involves a
    three-week workshop designed to prepare postdoctoral students to conduct research that involves
    epidemiology assessments in different countries.
    Areas Served: Venezuela.
    Material: The program does not use donated dental material.
    Dental Health International
    847 South Milledge Avenue
    Athens, Georgia 30605-1331
    Tel: +1 706 546 1716 Fax: +1 706 546 1715
    Contact: Dr Barry Simmons
    Dental Health International needs dental personnel to create dental clinics in rural areas of developing countries
    which will be, in turn, staffed by the host country dentists. Water and nutritional studies will be conducted to
    determine needs of the host country. A program in the surrounding schools will be instituted to show benefits of
    fluoride and a basic dental hygiene program as well. Dental clinics are dispersed throughout the host country.
    Areas Served: Bhutan (Himalayas), Cameroon, Cook Islands, Lesotho, Rwanda, and Vietnam.
    Material: Dental equipment less than ten years old, to make up a complete dental clinic, dental supplies,
    handpieces and instruments.
    Dental Seminars & Symposia (DDS)
    343 Prairie View Road
    Chippewa Falls
    Wisconsin 54729
    Tel: +1 715 723 1662 Fax: +1 715 723 1662
    Contact: Dr David D Crane
    Dental Seminars & Symposia, Inc. (DSS) was established in 1977 to provide continuing dental education and to
    organize humanitarian projects both nationally and internationally. Groups are taken annually to South America
    to provide dental care for homeless and orphaned children (expenses are paid by participants). University
    faculty are also selected to conduct scientific congresses at Latin American universities (expenses paid by the
    host universities). DSS is non-political, non-sectarian, and conducts all foreign programs on a non-profit basis.
    Areas Served: Latin America.
    Material: Small equipment and supplies are requested as needed for specific clinics. Tax-deductible receipts
    are given by local churches.
    Division of Worldwide Ministries
    Presbyterian Church (USA)
    100 Witherspoon Street
    Lousiville, Kentucky 4042-1396
    Tel: +1 502 569 5000 Fax: +1 502 569 8039
    Contact: Ms Edith Sutton/Mr Bob Ellis
    The Division of Worldwide Ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA) works to assist church related hospitals,
    clinics and health projects in developing countries through placement of health care professionals and in
    providing material assistance. The aim is to improve health care services along with training of national and
    local personnel. Sustainable and appropriate technology is emphasized as well as preventive health education.
    The work is supported from the national budget of the denomination, with help from international health agency
    grants and gifts from groups and individuals.
    Areas Served: Ongoing service in Guatemala, Haiti, India, South Korea, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Zaire and
    along the U.S.A. border.
    Material: The program does not utilize dental material.
    The Domingos Foundation
    1800 S.E. St. Lucie Boulevard (October-April)
    Building 8, Apt. 107
    Stuart, Florida 34996-4224
    Tel: +1 407 286 1708
    4890 Glenwood Avenue, #4 (May-September)
    Youngstown, Ohio 44512
    Tel: +1 216 782 2055
    Contact: Dr. D. E. De Marco
    The Domingos Foundations is a publicly supported non-profit organization which delivers, and works to
    improve, dental and other health care in remote areas of Brazil, Guatemala and Honduras. It actively promotes
    and provides grants for small-scale development projects in the villages it visits. Contributions are taxdeductible,
    as are expenses incurred by volunteers serving abroad.
    Areas Served: Remote areas of Brazil, Guatemala and Honduras.
    Material: Donations of certain dental and pharmaceutical supplies are accepted.
    11506 St. David’s Lane
    Lutherville, Maryland 21093
    Tel: +1 410 560 0937 Fax: +1 410 876 6362
    Contact: Tammy G. Fesche
    Ecuadent is a humanitarian undertaking to Ecuador, made up of American dental and medical professionals.
    The all-volunteer group of doctors and assistants donate their time and pay their own transportation to treat the
    indigent population, many of whom are children between the ages of three and 14 years of age. The focus is on
    preventative dental health measures in addition to some restorative treatment as equipment and facilities allow.
    Volunteers pay their transportation to Ecuador. All transportation inside the country, food, and lodging are
    provided by the Ecuadorian Army.
    Areas Served: Ecuador.
    Material: Dental instruments, dental supplies (especially toothbrushes), dental portable units, portable dental xray
    units and cable run units.
    Esperança Inc.
    1911 West Earll Drive
    Phoenix, Arizona 85015
    Tel: +1 602 252 7772 Fax: +1 602 340 9197
    Contact: Dr. Jeanne France
    Esperança Inc. is a non-profit, non-denominational international health organization that provides treatment and
    training in Latin America and Africa. Esperança’s vision is to “sow the seeds of self-help in health.” Esperança
    accepts many volunteer health professionals, as well as funding, from a variety of private sources (individuals,
    churches, service clubs, foundations) and U.S. government support. Volunteer dentists work in Esperança’s
    clinical facility in the Amazon jungles of Brazil.
    Areas Served: Santarém, Pará Brazil (in the Amazon valley).
    Material: Esperança solicits dental equipment and consumable supplies for its dental clinic facility in the
    Estonian American Fund Inc.
    4 Noyes Court
    PO Box 13266
    Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
    Tel: +1 301 587 9115 Fax: +1 202 291 8884
    Contact: Ago Ambre
    Estonian American Fund (EAF) is a publicly supported charity, recognized as such by the IRS, and registered
    by the U.S. Agency for International Development as a private voluntary organization (PVO). The mission is to
    aid in the resolution of economic problems faced by command economies seeking to change to a free market
    basis. Programs supply universities with scientific texts, hospitals with medical equipment, supplies, and
    technical training. EAF facilitates exchange of students and scholars, and helps set up in-country seminars and
    training classes. EAF sponsors an active health care project that has provided about $2.5 million in medical and
    dentistry supplies and equipment.
    Areas Served: Estonia.
    Material: EAF solicits donations in cash and in kind. Dental and medical equipment and professional literature
    are provided in response to specific requests from health professionals in Estonia.
    Flying Doctors of America
    1951 Airport Road
    Dekalb-Peachtree Airport
    Atlanta, Georgia 30341
    Tel: +1 404 451 3068 Fax: +1 404 457 6302
    Contact: Peggy Phipps
    Flying Doctors of America is committed to helping physicians, dentists, other health care professionals, the
    business community and general volunteers help the poor and needy by flying monthly medical missions. It
    provides quick, professionally managed, low cost, tax-deductible medical missions to areas of critical need,
    thereby bringing hope and healing. It welcomes all who desire to volunteer, regardless of creed, religion, color,
    race, sex or nationality.
    Areas Served: Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America and India.
    Material: The program does not use dental material.
    Forward Edge International
    15121-A NE 72nd Avenue
    Vancouver, Washington 98686
    Tel: +1 206 574 3343 Fax: +1 206 574 2118
    Contact: Joseph Anfuso
    Forward Edge International is a teams denominational ministry dedicated to sending North American church
    groups and individuals on short-term mission trips. It provides experienced team leadership, logistical
    coordination, practical preparatory materials, and a wide variety of ministry opportunities in the U.S., Latin
    America, Europe, Asia, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The mission trips last from ten days to
    three weeks. Forward Edge International sends service teams (medical/dental construction) evangelism teams,
    youth teams and adult teams.
    Areas Served: U.S. Indian reservations, Albania, Asia, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Italy,
    Mexico, Nicaragua, Romania, and Vietnam.
    Material: The program does not utilize dental material.
    Foundation of the Pierre Fauchard Academy
    1441 Avocado Avenue
    Suite 508
    Newport Beach, California 92660-6224
    Fax: +1 714 373 2237 Contact: Dr Shig Ryan Kishi
    The Pierre Fauchard Academy, an International Honor Dental Organization with 108 sections worldwide, has
    established a foundation to support grants and projects that will benefit the dental profession and the public it
    serves. The Foundation has published a brochure that covers the goals and guidelines of the grant/project
    program. It lists the types of programs the Foundation will support, as well as the restrictions that apply to
    eligibility for funding.
    Organizations, institutions and individuals who desire funding are encouraged to obtain a copy of the brochure
    from the individual listed above to determine if their program or project falls within the Foundation’s goals. If so,
    they may apply for support. The brochure covers the application form.
    Areas Served: Worldwide
    Material: Foundation funds only materials listed in application.
    Friends of Dental Volunteers for Israel (DVI)
    11 Sage Circle
    Scarsdale, New York 10583
    Tel: +1 914 725 2485 Contact: Ms Lila Seiler
    Friends of Dental Volunteers for Israel (DVI)
    Main Street
    Livingston Manor, New York 12758
    Tel: +1 914 439 4100 Contact: Dr. Don Simkin
    DVI operates the only free of charge Children’s Dental Clinic in Jerusalem, located at 29 Mekor Chayim Street.
    The organization’s dental services include oral education, preventive care, and treatment to underprivileged
    Jewish and non-Jewish children, ages 5 to 18, who never have had previous dental care. Services are also
    provided to Russian and Ethiopian children. Contributions are tax deductible, as are expenses incurred by
    volunteers serving in Jerusalem.
    Areas Served: Jerusalem.
    Material: DVI solicits donations of dental supplies and dental equipment in good working order.
    Global Outreach Mission Inc
    PO Box 2010
    NY 14231-2010, USA
    No further information available as yet.
    Haitian & Co-Arts Association, Inc.
    165 Park Row, Suite 8D
    New York, New York 10038
    Tel: +1 212 732 9735 Contact: Andre Letellier
    The Haitian & Co-Arts Association, Inc., is a voluntary overseas, private non-governmental, non-political, nonreligious,
    non-profit, tax-exempt charitable educational organization, founded in 1956 by Andre Letellier, a
    Haitian born U.S. citizen. Its aims and purposes are solely dedicated to gratuitously contribute to the elimination
    of hunger, eradication of disease and promotion of literacy of deprived children of the peasants in remote
    villages of Haiti through mobile medical-dental free clinics. Clinics deliver community-wide vaccination against
    aids, polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, provide birth control, and dental care Dues, contributions and expenses
    incurred by donors and/or volunteers serving with the organization’s charitable programs are tax deductible.
    U.S. corporations and individuals donate funds, services, medical supplies, drugs, educational and agricultural
    Areas Served: Haiti.
    Material: Dental equipment, instruments, supplies, dental literature, preferably in French, are accepted.
    Health Teams International Inc. (HTI)
    7518 South Evanston Avenue
    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136-5615
    Tel: +1 918 481 1115 Fax: +1 918 481 1115
    Contact: Dr Robert W Miller
    Health Teams International (HTI) is an ecumenical non-profit organization dedicated to assisting in
    evangelization through the ministrations of short-term Christian health care teams. It has neither dues nor
    membership fees, but it is supported by the tax-deductible contributions of interested individuals and groups.
    Volunteers pay their own expenses, which are tax-deductible. All staff members contribute their services
    without pay.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: HTI solicits donations of portable dental instruments, equipment and supplies that can be transported
    by air to overseas sites.
    Health Volunteers Overseas
    Dentistry Overseas
    PO Box 65157
    Washington DC 20035-5157
    Tel: +1 202 296 0928 Fax: +1 202 296 8018
    Email: Contact: Kate Skillman
    Aims to improve the quality of health care in developing countries through training and education.
    Specific details of the project in Haiti are as follows: to form a co-operative network of dental health care; to
    improve the quality and increase the availability of health care through training and education; to co-operate
    with the Pan American Health Organization to implement a nation-wide salt fluoridation and iodisation process
    for Haiti; to train and empower Haitian natives to provide professional services for themselves once volunteer
    teams are gone.
    Areas served: Bangladesh, Brazil, Haiti, India, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Vietnam
    Health Volunteers Overseas
    Dental Division of ADA
    3801 N Fairfax Dr Suite 40
    Arlington, Va 22207
    Contact: Dr Gary S Leff Email:
    No further information available as yet.
    Himalayan Healthcare Inc.
    565 West End Avenue, suite #3G
    New York, New York 10024
    Tel: +1 212 877 6519 Fax: +1 212 877 6519
    Contact: Lisa Gomer
    Himalayan HealthCare Inc. (HHC) was established to address the health crisis in rural Nepal. The primary
    objectives of the organization are to provide immediate medical treatment to people living in remote mountain
    villages and to improve the general healthcare conditions of the rural population of Nepal who do not have
    access to health care at times of critical need. Himalayan HealthCare is unique in that its programs are
    sustained by Nepalese medical professionals who trek monthly to targeted villages to deliver medical care and
    to teach villagers about hygiene, sanitation, nutrition and family planning.
    In addition to supporting a small full-time Nepalese medical staff, HHC also organizes groups of American
    physicians, dentists and healthcare workers to participate in medical treks to selected villages to assist the
    Nepalese physicians in treating patients and dispensing necessary medicines.
    Areas Served: Rural mountain villages of Nepal.
    Material: HHC solicits donations of dental equipment and supplies as well as financial contributions.
    HIM Foundation
    PO Box 101
    Atlanta, Texas 75551
    Tel: +1 903 796 3821/1 903 796 3824/+1 903 796 7705
    Contact: Dr James Hogan
    The Foundation promotes Christian missionary dentistry. It encourages and helps health care professionals to
    accompany evangelists to needy countries for short-term missionary efforts. The volunteer works as a team
    member with a local Christian church. Health clinics are usually set up in the church to render a physical
    service. The Foundation has also founded and financed three dental clinics in India. Volunteers provide their
    own instruments and supplies.
    Areas Served: Honduras, India, Israel and Korea.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    Honduran-American Medical Mission
    501 5th Avenue
    Belmar, New Jersey 07719
    Tel: +1 908 681 6134 Fax: +1 908 681 1891
    Contact: Mrs Patricia King
    The organization’s current projects include separate 25-resident boys and girls orphanages, known collectively
    as Hogar Amistad or House of Friendship. A newly constructed medical/dental clinic includes two dental
    operatories and service a population base of 15,000 rural, destitute Hondurans.
    Areas Served: Urraco/Sulaco area of north-central Honduras.
    Material: Donations of hand instruments and lab equipment to fully outfit two dental operatories for operative,
    endo, perio and uncomplicated exodontia.
    Howard Karagheusian Commemorative Corporation
    386 Park Avenue South
    Suite 1601
    New York, New York 10016
    Tel: +1 212 725 0973 Fax: +1 212 447 0378
    Contact: Dr Watler C Bandazian

  • Thema von zarite im Forum Oral Health Care Projects

    Here you find all the dental aid organisations worldwide, it is not very actuall, but despite, it might be helpfull for anyone who is looking for more information

    The Howard Karagheusian Commemorative Corporation is a private, operating foundation, providing health,
    medical, and social services to children and adults. It was incorporated in the state of New York in 1921, and
    recently established a three chair operatory in Yerevan, Armenia, and wishes to expand into other parts of
    Armenia. The Corporation welcomes dental equipment and the services of dentists who could go to Armenia to
    familiarize the Armenian dentists with practice and technology in general dentistry. If possible, Armenian
    speaking dentists would be most appropriate.
    Areas Served: Armenia.
    Material: Dental equipment, instruments, and supplies are accepted.
    Interchurch Medical Assistance, Inc.
    PO Box 429
    New Windsor, Maryland 21776
    Tel: +1 410 635 8720 Fax: +1 410 635 8726
    Contact: Mr Paul Derstine
    Interchurch Medical Assistance, Inc. (IMA) exists to undergird the medical ministries of its member and
    associate agencies by soliciting donations of medicines and medical supplies for free distribution overseas to
    persons in need, without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin or political affiliation. No services,
    benefits, or assistance from IMA are provided to any citizens in the United States. All supplies in IMA inventory
    are distributed outside the United States to treat the ill, the needy, and infants according to need without
    consideration of religious or political affiliation.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: Medicines, medical and dental supplies.
    International Lifeline
    50 Penn Place, Suite 920
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118
    Tel: +1 405 728 2828 Fax: +1 405 946 5512
    Contact: Robert E. Watkins
    International Lifeline provides medical volunteers an opportunity to work in Haiti. All work is done in field clinics,
    both urban and rural.
    Areas Served: Haiti.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    Los Medicos Voladores (Flying Doctors)
    140 Magneson Terrace
    Los Gatos, California 95302
    Tel: +1 408 356 6721 Contact: Audrey Freeman
    Los Medicos Voladores (LMV), the Flying Doctors, was organized in 1975 to provide health care services and
    education to people in remote villages of Northwestern Mexico. From September through June, LMV pilots,
    health care providers, translators, and volunteers from all walks of life join together each month for a four-day
    trip. LMV is supported by the members themselves, with each volunteer paying his/her own trip costs
    (approximately $250.00), annual membership dues ($35.00) and participation in fund-raising projects held
    throughout the year. All assistance is provided on a volunteer, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian basis.
    There are several chapters in California which have general meetings once a month.
    Areas Served: Mexico.
    Material: All supplies and equipment are either purchased by or donated to LMV.
    Loyd Christian Health Ministries, Inc.
    403 Main Street or PO Box 743
    Lake Village, Arkansas 71653
    Tel: +1 501 265 2111 Fax: +1 501 265 2111
    Contact: Dr Marvin D Loyd
    No further information available as yet.
    Medical Assistance Programs International Inc.
    2200 Glynco Parkway
    PO Box 50
    Brunswick, Georgia 31521-0050
    Tel: +1 912 265 6010 Fax: +1 912 265 6170
    Contact: Gordon F Thompson
    Medical Assistance Programs (MAP) International is a non-profit Christian global health organization that
    provides enabling services which promote total health care for needy people in the developing world.
    Since 1954, MAP has provided donated medicines and supplies through 650 hospitals and clinics in over 130
    countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. MAP also works in community health development, coordinating
    projects to improve water supplies, food production, and health education.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: Dental and medical supplies are accepted.
    Medical Benevolence Foundation
    1412 North Sam Houston Parkway East
    Suite 120
    Houston, Texas 77032
    Tel: +1 713 590 3591 Fax: +1 713 590 3699
    Contact: Edward M Stein
    Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF) is a non-profit organization that helps fund medical missions in
    developing countries. They are supported by contributions made by interested individuals, corporations and
    churches. They are a Validated Mission Support Group through the Presbyterian Church (USA). All donations,
    are tax deductible.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: MBF solicits medical equipment and supplies in response to the needs of its mission hospitals.
    The Medical Eye & Dental International Care Org., Inc. (M.E.D.I.C.O)
    Nations Bank Building
    624 South Austin Avenue
    Suite 102
    Georgetown, Texas 78628
    Tel: +1 512 863 8666 Fax: +1 512 869 7500
    Contact: Lynda Peters/Dr Anthony Ciccariello
    Medical, Eye & Dental International Care Organization, Inc. (M.E.D.I.C.O.), a nonprofit volunteer organization,
    provides basic health care to those who have little or no access to the medical profession. Teams of
    approximately fifteen volunteers serve in remote areas, each team being hosted by an in-country organization
    assisting with logistics. Five field teams and two surgery teams are scheduled each year.
    M.E.D.I.C.O. is supported by volunteer assessment fees and modest contributions from interested individuals or
    corporations. M.E.D.I.C.O. is not connected with any religious group but works with organizations with like
    objectives. Continuing fluoride programs have been established in selected villages. M.E.D.I.C.O. has
    implemented a method of receiving and dispersing donated medical and dental equipment to Honduras.
    Areas Served: Developing countries presently focusing in Honduras.
    Material: M.E.D.I.C.O. solicits donations of necessary medical and dental supplies for field service. Donations
    not received from hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical companies or others are purchased by the foundations.
    Medical Ministry International (MMI)
    50 Tunxis Village Drive
    Farmington, CT 06032-1521
    Tel: +1 860 676 2133 Fax: +1 860 676 2377
    Email: Contact: Dr Richard G Topazian
    MMI is the world’s largest short-term volunteer, Christian medical mission with more than 2,500 participants
    annually. Over 1,200 are from the USA and Canada. We provide 2-week opportunities for volunteers to work
    in medical/dental/surgical and eye clinics, helping the poor who have little or no access to medical care.
    Areas served: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic,
    Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique,
    Nepal, New Guinea, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Philippines, Republic of Benin, Romania, Rwanda, Swaziland,
    Thailand, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zaire, Zimbabwe
    Mercy International Health Services
    34605 Twelve Mile Road
    Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331-3293
    Tel: +1 313 489 6100 Fax: +1313 489 6102
    Contact: Glen E. Haydon
    The major purpose of Mercy International Health Services is to serve as an enabler, training/assisting local
    hospital/health personnel to improve their skills and system services. Assistance includes: development of
    primary health networks; training for all hospital departments, hospital/clinic management; planning; healthcare
    financing; privatization; and special projects/studies.
    Areas Served: Worldwide, particularly in Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, Tanzania.
    Material: Donations of dental equipment and supplies may be shipped in response to specific requests from
    program sites.
    Mercy Ships
    PO Box 2020
    Garden Valley
    TX 75771-2020
    Tel: + 1 903 882 0887 Fax: + 1 903 939 7110
    Email: Contact: Dr Denny DeWitt
    Founded in 1978, Mercy Ships now has four ships providing donated medicine, tools, food and building
    supplies to over 100 of the most impoverished ports around the world. Activities include free onboard
    operations on the world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship. Furthermore, Mercy Ships provides water
    pumps and assists in drilling wells to provide irrigation and safe drinking water; Mercy Ships is also involved in
    building hospitals, clinics, schools and training facilities and in training local people to run the projects.
    Mission Personnel Resources Program Department of General Board of Global Ministries of United
    Methodist Church
    475 Riverside Drive
    Room 1470
    New York, New York 10015
    Tel: +1 212 870 3661 Fax: +1 212 870 3774
    Contact: William B Rollins
    The program provides for individuals and teams to experience other cultures and share skills in church to
    church programs. The program builds teams of medical personnel, teachers, and pastors to serve up to one
    year. All costs are the responsibility of the volunteers. The program is international as well as national, and
    volunteers are required to be active members of a local worshipping congregation.
    Areas Served: Internationally over 30 countries and the 50 states of the United States.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    Missionary Dentists
    P.O. Box 7002
    Seattle, Washington 98133
    Tel: +1 206 771 3241 Fax: +1 206 775 5155
    Contact: Dr. Vaughn Chapman
    As an interdenominational Christian mission, Missionary Dentists, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization,
    provides opportunities for dental professionals to serve the poor in developing countries in their specialties as
    members of an all dental team — be it endodontics, pedodontics, prosthodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics,
    teaching, etc. Skilled laboratory technicians are needed, as are dental hygienists and dental assistants.
    Volunteer service can usually be arranged to fit one’s schedule. Each participant pays a project fee plus air fare.
    Volunteer service can be arranged from one week to ninety days. Ground transportation, room and board are
    Areas Served: Belize, Cameroons, Central African Republic, China, Eastern Europe, El Salvador, Guatemala,
    Haiti, Honduras, India, Korea, Mexico, Nepal, New Guinea, Nicaragua, Russia, Uganda and the United Arab
    Material: Materials of all sorts are solicited. Volunteers can provide their own instruments and supplies, or the
    mission can donate or loan equipment for a fee.
    Missionary Health Services
    1355 East Home Road
    Springfield, Ohio 45503
    Tel: +1 513 390 2440 Contact: Dr Emel Atkins
    Missionary Health Services (MHS) is a non-profit, non-denominational tax exempt organization whose purpose
    is to deliver basic health care and health education to the very poor in under developed countries. MHS goes
    into the rural areas where health care is seldom if ever available. The program includes the training of local
    citizens as technicians to aid their villagers with health problems. The organization is totally supported by
    donations of medicines, supplies and volunteers. All expenses to and from the mission sites are tax deductible.
    Areas Served: Honduras.
    Material: MHS solicits donations of medicines, medical equipment, dental equipment, surgical instruments and
    Operation Smile International
    717 Boush Street
    Norfolk, Virginia 23510, USA
    Tel: +1 804 625 0375 Fax: +1 804 626 0368
    Contact: BethAnn Taterosian
    Operation Smile International (OSI) is a private, non-profit, volunteer medical services organization providing
    reconstructive surgery and related health care (dental included) to indigent persons in developing countries and
    the U.S.A. OSI also provides free dental care to indigent adults who do not have access to care in Norfolk,
    Virginia. OSI is funded by private donations, foundations, and grants. It brings together health professionals
    with the public and the private sectors to provide voluntary care to improve the quality of life for all who share
    the OpSmile experience. By creating local, national and international partnerships, Operation Smile
    International builds trust, bridges cultures, and bestows dignity at home and abroad.
    Areas Served: Worldwide, including the United States.
    Material: OSI solicits donations of dental equipment, pharmaceuticals and supplies. The dental clinic does not
    have an operating budget; all items used have been loaned or donated.
    Operation USA
    8320 Melrose Avenue, #200
    Los Angeles, California 91031
    Tel: +1 213 658 8876 Fax: +1 213 653 7846
    Contact: Richard M Walden
    Operation USA is an international relief and development agency founded in 1979. It has delivered over $90
    million of medicine, medical and dental supplies, and other high priority relief items to more than 50 countries.
    Operation USA is a non-profit agency not affiliated with any religious organization. It is supported by individual,
    corporate, and foundation contributions.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: Operation USA solicits donations of dental equipment, supplies, and pharmaceuticals in response to
    disasters and development programs needs.
    Project Concern International
    3550 Afton Road
    San Diego, California 92123
    Tel: +1 619 279 9790 Fax: +1 619 694 0294
    Contact: Ms Deborah Luician
    OPTIONS is the international health professional recruitment and referral service of Project Concern
    International. OPTIONS provides volunteer opportunities linking health specialists with programs, hospitals, and
    clinics in the United States and worldwide. Hundreds of volunteers are placed each year, including primary care
    physicians, surgeons, nurses, physician assistants, and public health and hospital administrators. OPTIONS
    publishes a bi-monthly bulletin with current volunteer opportunities. The annual fee for OPTIONS is $25.00
    (U.S. dollars) and includes the six OPTIONS bulletins.
    Areas Served: Worldwide (over 45 countries) and the United States.
    Material: The program does not utilize donated dental material.
    Peace Corps
    1990 K Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20526
    Tel: +1 800 424 8580 (Option 1) Contact: Recruiter
    The Peace Corps is a government agency that was created to promote world peace and friendship. Its goals
    are to help the people of interested countries meet their needs for trained men and women, and to help promote
    a better mutual understanding between the American people and the peoples with whom they come in contact
    and serve around the world.
    Over 131,000 Americans have served as Peace Corps volunteers in more than 100 countries. Peace Corps
    volunteers’ accomplishments endure because their mission is not to do things for people, but to help people do
    things for themselves.
    Areas Served: Ninety countries worldwide.
    Material: Dental materials and supplies are not accepted.
    Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation
    5711 North Milwaukee Avenue
    Chicago, Illinois 60646, USA
    Tel: +1 312 763 9944 Fax: +1 312 763 7114
    Contact: Les Kuczynski
    The Polish American Congress charitable Foundation (PACCF) “Relief for Poland” project is currently in its 12th
    year of providing humanitarian assistance to the children, the elderly, the ill, the handicapped, the poor and the
    needy of Poland. This past year, the PACCF focused on assistance to 81 rehabilitation centers for disabled
    children and the elderly throughout Poland. This successful program was able to raise $3.4 million in medical
    goods and supplies in the form of matching gifts or in-kind donations from manufacturers, hospitals, and other
    relief organizations.
    Areas Served: Poland.
    Material: In-kind donations of medical equipment and medical supplies.
    Project Smile
    c/o Church of the Good Shepherd
    2230 Walton Way
    Augusta, Georgia 30904
    Tel: +1 706 738 3386 Fax: +1 706 738 0745
    Contact: Dr. James Clark/Dr. Jayni Bradley
    Project Smile is a non-profit children’s oral health care mission to Belize, Central America, operating under the
    Companion Diocese Commission of the Episcopal Church of Georgia. Comprehensive preventive oriented oral
    health care is provided to first graders and maintained thereafter until graduation from the primary school. The
    four operatory clinic is housed within St. Mary’s School and is presently operated by three volunteer teams per
    year. An ongoing preventive program continues throughout the school year, consisting of supervised daily
    toothbrushing and administration of fluoride tablets and rinses. Local personnel are being trained and educated
    to assume full administration of the project by 1998.
    Areas Served: Belize City, Belize.
    Material: Donations of dental equipment and supplies are accepted as well as monetary donations for their
    purchase from private and church sources.
    Project Stretch Dentistry Inc.: Dentistry Reaching Out to Children
    230 Pond Street
    Natick, Massachusetts 01760
    Tel: +1 508 653 2417 Fax: +1 508 651 1055
    Contact: Sheila Clancy
    Project Stretch, Inc., founded in 1988, is a private non-profit membership organization dedicated to providing
    vital dental care and dental education to disadvantaged children worldwide. It is supported solely on
    contributions from private citizens and corporations. Fundraising occurs throughout the year. Contributions are
    tax deductible.
    Project Stretch, Inc. members provide educational material and training to dental staff, parents, and schools
    within their respective settings, to assure continued dental care while providing yearly follow-up services.
    Areas Served: Worldwide
    Material: Project Stretch, Inc. solicits donations of dental equipment and supplies in order to provide
    preventative care and dental education.
    Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corps
    c/o Church of the Good Shepherd
    1834 Beech Street
    Knoxville, TN37920
    Tel: +1 865 579 1530
    Email: Contact: Teresa Webb-Martin
    RAM is a non-profit, volunteer, airborne relief corps dedicated to serving mankind by providing free health care,
    dental care, eye care, veterinary services and technical and educational assistance to people in remote areas of
    USA and the world.
    Sabre Foundation Inc.
    872 Massachusetts Avenue
    Suite 2-1
    Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
    Tel: +1 617 868 3510 Fax: +1 617 868 7916
    Contact: Tania Vitvitsky
    Sabre Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization which distributes donated books and journals to the
    needy in Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Since 1986, Sabre distributed over 2
    million volumes to more than 4,000 institutions and countless individuals in the countries it serves.
    Areas Served: Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
    Material: Donations of recent dental books and journals are welcomed. Sabre solicits books for distribution to
    academic, educational, research and cultural institutions in the areas it serves.
    Surgical & Medical Assistance Relief Teams (S.M.A.R.T.)
    7015 College Blvd., Suite 132
    Overland Park, Kansas 66211
    Tel: +1 913 338 2800 Fax: +1 913 338 3820
    Contact: Ms. Teresa A. Searcy
    S.M.A.R.T. is a private, not, for, profit volunteer organization, dedicated to enhancing the lives of third world
    children and adults. The organization is dedicated to training indigenous workers to volunteer to help their own
    people. Contributions are tax deductible.
    Trips are four to five days in duration, with each volunteer donating enough to pay for one’s own airfare, food
    and lodging. Approximate donation per trip is $1,100. This donation covers all expenses from Houston. (food,
    tips, taxes, ground transportation, airfare, hotels, bottled water, snacks, etc.). From four to five trips are
    scheduled each year. Dental teams join with surgery teams which perform cleft lip and palate surgeries.
    S.M.A.R.T. provides most equipment and supplies, however, dentists must provide their own hand instruments.
    served family style. Most teams consist of 24-48 people.
    Areas Served: Honduras, Guatemala, Southern Mexico, El Salvador.
    Material: S.M.A.R.T. actively solicits donations of supplies and equipment.
    Dental School, University of Maryland
    Department of Oral Health Care Delivery
    University of Maryland
    66601 Baltimore St
    Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1586
    Tel: +1 410 706 7342 Fax: +1 410 706 3028
    Email: Contact: Dr Michael M Belenky
    Promotion of global oral health through the establishment and facilitation of international collaborative ventures
    with dental schools/faculties of dentistry/institutes of stomatology with primary focus on teaching, research, and
    exchange in order to enhance dental education, practice and oral health.
    Areas served: Vietnam, Mexico, Korea, Poland
    Uplift Internationale
    4500 Sumac Lane
    Littleton, Colorado 80123
    Fax: +1 303 703 4840 Contact: Dr Jaime A Yrastorza
    Uplift Internationale is a Colorado based volunteer organization sharing expertise with peers in the host country,
    who are themselves caretakers of their fellow citizens, in the areas of health and education. The current focus is
    in the city of Ormdc, Philippines (population 100,000) through its 100-bed publicly funded hospital and two
    public health dental facilities. Self-supporting dentist volunteers will spend two weeks exchanging dental knowhow
    with local dentists. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon volunteers perform cleft lip/palate repairs as dental
    facilities and equipment allow. Donations of equipment and supplies are needed.
    Areas Served: Philippines.
    Material: UI solicits donations of dental equipment, supplies, and video/journals for continuing education
    together with funds for shipment.
    Vellore Christian Medical College Board (USA) Inc.
    475 Riverside Drive, Room 243
    New York, New York 10115-0021
    Tel: +1 212 870 2640 Fax: +1 212 870 2173
    Contact: Dr Robert H Carman
    Vellore Christian Medical College Board is a private not-for-profit organization committed to enhancing the
    education, preventive/curative care and research of the Christian Medical College and Hospital in Vellore, India.
    The Board looks for dental personnel who have skills to share (researchers, dentists, surgeons, educators,
    hygienists, nurses) and who want to learn while doing a voluntary assignment in Vellore, India. Exchange
    programs between individuals and institutions are encouraged. In consultation with each other, the materials
    needed are determined. All donations, whether in time, equipment or money, are tax-deductible.
    Areas Served: India.
    Material: The Vellore Board solicits donations of dental equipment and supplies in response to specific
    Volunteers for World Health
    319 South Sharon Amity Road
    Charlotte, North Carolina 28211
    Tel: +1 704 364 8685 Contact: Dr. C. E. Horstmann
    Volunteers for World Health (VWH) is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote goodwill and
    friendship between the people of the world. This is accomplished in three ways: 1) providing educational and
    training programs, 2) performing dental and medical services, and 3) providing dental and medical equipment
    and supplies. VWH is funded by the contributions of its volunteer participants and other interested individuals
    and corporations.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: VWH solicits donations of dental and medical equipment and supplies in response to specific project’s
    West Indies Self-Help (WISH)
    2934 Pine Grove
    Port Huron, Michigan 48060
    Tel: +1 810 985 6558 Contact: Dr Jack C Heck
    West Indies Self-Help is a multi-faceted Christian mission founded in 1968 and based in Grand Haven,
    Michigan, for the purpose of improving living conditions on the remote island of LaGonave, Haiti. The nondenominational
    mission promotes self-help values for the 65,000 inhabitants through education and support
    projects, including schools, a library, roads, an ice-plant, and a dental clinic. The dental clinic includes two Adec
    Mission-aire units, curing light, and basic operative and exodontia instruments. Contributions and expenses
    incurred by volunteers are tax-deductible. The WISH compound is located adjacent to the only hospital on the
    island, which is under the direction of missionary physicians.
    Areas Served: LaGonave Island, Haiti.
    Material: Dental equipment donations are considered on an individual basis.
    World Concern, A Ministry of CRISTA
    19303 Fremont Avenue North
    Seattle, Washington 98133
    Tel: +1 206 546 7488 Fax: +1 206 546 7269
    Contact: International Personnel Services
    World Concern is a Christian international organization involved in relief, rehabilitation and development
    programs in developing countries. World Concern partners with nationals and makes local churches, equipping
    individuals and communities with knowledge, skills and technology for self-help. Christians with professional
    and technical training and experience serve from one to three year terms. Base salary, insurance, housing,
    transportation and project costs are provided. Participation in a personal support program is required. In
    addition to sending dentists and other health care professionals, World Concern provides services in
    agriculture, veterinary medicine, community development, micro-enterprise, project management, relief
    programs, etc.
    Areas Served: Africa, Asia and Latin America.
    Material: Solicits specific equipment and supplies needed for projects being served, such as a dental school in
    WHO Collaborating Center for Oral Infectious Diseases: Education, Research and Care
    University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
    4001 Spruce Street
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
    Tel: +1 215 898 0558 Fax: +1 215 573 2087
    Contact: Dr Peter Berthold Email:
    To train for, develop and implement research in the prevention, detection and care of infectious diseases that
    are manifested in the oral cavity. To apply relevant findings from research to effect changes in the learning and
    teaching of oral health care and in oral health education as it relates to oral infectious diseases.
    Areas served: Malawi
    WHO Collaborating Center in Oral Health
    University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School
    7703 Floyd Curl Drive
    San Antonio, Texas 78284-7914
    Tel: +1 210 567 3420 Fax: +1 210 567 3443
    Email: Contact: Dr Ramon J Baez
    WHO-CC provides assistance to countries on oral health programmes. Situation analysis, strategy
    development, evaluation epidemiological studies, training, statistical analysis, fluoride research, fluorosis, oral
    health services research, auxiliary personnel utilisation, dental materials evaluation, alternative restorative
    methods, cost/benefit studies, implementation of salt fluoridation programmes – non-traditional methods of
    learning PBL.
    Areas served: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus,
    Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Grenada, Honduras, Iran, Jamaica, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia,
    Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, St Kitts, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic,
    Thailand, Tunisia, Venezuela
    World Medical Relief Inc.
    11745 Rosa Parks Boulevard
    Detroit, Michigan 48206
    Tel: +1 313 866 5333 Fax: +1 313 866 5588
    Contact: Carolyn E George
    World Medical Relief carries out dual programs, collecting medical and dental supplies, equipment, and
    pharmaceuticals and provides these to the needy, both locally and abroad. At the warehouse, volunteers and
    staff collect, sort and pack supplies for use in diverse places. Physician’s and dentist’s offices, clinics and
    hospitals donate used, but still-in-good-condition equipment, as well as excess supplies and sample
    medications. The organization annually fills close to 30,000 prescriptions on an ongoing basis for area indigent
    seniors who would not otherwise be able to obtain them. A durable medical equipment loan program provides
    items to needy individuals.
    Areas Served: Worldwide.
    Material: World Medical Relief solicits donations of dental equipment and supplies in response to specific
    requests from organizations, hospitals and clinics requesting assistance.
    Youth With A Mission
    15850 Richardson Springs Rd.
    Richardson Springs, CA 9597
    No further information available as yet.
    East Meets West Foundation
    56 Pasteur Street
    Da Nang City
    Tel: +84 511 829 110 Fax: + 84 511 821 850
    Email: Contact: Dr Charles F Craft/Mr Mark Conroy

    EMWF is a non profit organisation doing humanitarian development work in Vietnam. Our mission is to improve
    the general health and welfare of the people in central Vietnam whose land was devastated during the war
    Areas served: Vietnam
    Colgate Palmolive Z Ltd
    PO Box 71584
    Fax: +2 650133 Contact: Mr N Zimba
    No further information available as yet.
    Zambia Dental Association
    PO Box 50363
    Ridgeway 15101
    Contact: Dr P P Mtolo FAX: +260 1 263401
    To promote good oral health and provide Zambians with equal access to quality oral health care.
    Areas served: Zambia
    Colgate Palmolive
    PO Box ST 353
    Tel: +263 4 620211/217 Fax: +263 4 620220
    Contact: Mr Butcher
    No further information available as yet.
    Government Dental Services
    Box CY340
    Tel: +263 4 723050/790243 Fax: +263 4 706249
    Email: Contact: Dr Juliette T Moyo
    Provision of comprehensive oral health care to the country by offering the necessary curative and preventive
    measures irrespective of any discriminating grounds. Provision of training for necessary manpower.
    Areas served: Zimbabwe
    Zimbabwe Dental Therapist Association
    School of Dental Therapy and Technology
    PO Box CY340
    Tel: +263 4 705117 Fax: +263 4 706249
    Contact: Dr Fiona Mutsigigwa
    To promote continuous education in dentistry for all graduate dental therapists
    Areas served: Zimbabwe
    About these ads

  • Famulatur in UgandaDatum27.05.2014 09:56
    Foren-Beitrag von zarite im Thema Famulatur in Uganda
  • Famulatur in UgandaDatum27.05.2014 09:55
    Thema von zarite im Forum Uganda

    Mbarara – in dieser universitär geprägten Kleinstadt im Süden Ugandas durften wir beide in diesem und letzten Jahr einige Zeit verbringen, um eine Famulatur zu absolvieren. Wir haben es während dieser Zeit sehr genossen, in dieser Stadt in der Nähe des Äquators, die durch eine große Anzahl an Sonnenstunden und eine wunderbare Landschaft gekennzeichnet ist, zu leben. Direkt an der Hauptstraße zwischen der Hauptstadt Kampala und dem südwestlichen Landeszipfel gelegen, spiegelt sich auch in Mbarara das typische Bild einer ostafrikanischen Kleinstadt wider, mit ihren wuseligen Märkten, den vielen Landwirten und dem Boda-Boda-(Motorradtaxi)-Verkehr.

    Langsam hat sich auch wie in der Hauptstadt Kampala ein geschäftiger Stadtkern entwickelt, zu dem v.a. die MUST-Studenten mit ihrer Nachfrage nach Alltagsgütern und Dienstleistungen beigetragen haben.

    Im Vergleich zu unserer High-End-Welt wird einem in Mbarara sowie in den meisten Teilen Ostafrikas auf jeden Fall ein Kon­trastprogramm geboten. Angrenzend an den großen Lake Victoria ist die Landschaft und Tierwelt atemberaubend, mit vielen Nationalparks, Naturwundern und einer der wenigen Möglichkeiten, Berggorillas aus nächster Nähe zu betrachten. Doch wenn man nicht gerade einer klassisch touristischen Luxussafari beiwohnt, muss man für die dortigen Lebensbedingungen und den damit einhergehenden Alltag ein dickes Fell mitbringen.

    Nach einigen einschneidenden Unruhen, die beispielsweise in dem Film „The Last King of Scotland“ eindrucksvoll karikiert werden, ist in dieser formellen Demokratie momentan der seit 1986 relativ autokratisch herrschende Yoweri K. Museveni Präsident. Leider leidet das Land weiterhin unter Missständen in vielen Bereichen. Die Ursachen sind vielfältig, doch zum Großteil immens beeinflusst durch die allgegenwärtige Korruption. Nichtsdestotrotz ist Uganda momentan eine der sichersten und stabilsten Reiseziele in Afrika.
    Unsere Motivation

    Unabhängig voneinander hatten Natalie Orthmann und ich die Idee, einige Zeit im eher exotischen Ausland zu verbringen. Es war an der Zeit, nach längerem, manchmal sehr kräftezehrenden Studium dem Alltag zu entfliehen, um ungebunden und umfassender als nur während eines kurzen Urlaubstrips die Kultur und Lebensweise in einem neuen Land kennenzulernen. Nach vorherigen Auslandserfahrungen auch in der Krankenversorgung der High-End-Welt, brannte es uns nun unter den Nägeln, endlich ein weiteres, etwas gewagteres Abenteuer einzugehen. Hinzu kommt, dass ich mich schon länger damit befasst hatte, ein kleines Entwicklungsprojekt zu etablieren und auch eine Mitarbeit bei „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“ o.Ä. zum damaligen Zeitpunkt nicht ausschließen wollte.
    PJ-Platz finden

    Ich bin erst einmal über afrikanische Freunde in Tansania aufgeschlagen. In meinem Fall konnte ich mit etwas Geduld und den nötigen Empfehlungsschreiben der Heimatuni auf Englisch einfach beim Dekan vorbeischauen und mir die Famulatur innerhalb weniger Wochen organisieren.

    Bei Natalie Orthmann lief alles etwas geplanter, sodass sie sich direkt per E-Mail an den Dekan der Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Dr. Jerome Kabakyenga) und an die jeweiligen Chefärzte wenden konnte.

    Wichtig ist, dass man sich bei der Anfrage bewusst ist, in welche Bereiche man gerne hineinschauen würde, und auch die Frage nach der Unterkunft frühzeitig klärt. Weiterhin: Erkundigt euch nach den Gebühren, die anfallen, aber bisher immer relativ gering ausfielen. Im Nachhinein hat alles immer irgendwie geklappt.

    Anspruchsvoller Klinikalltag

    Von Anfang bis Ende sind wir eigentlich überall sehr herzlich empfangen und mit sehr viel Neugier konfrontiert worden. Im Gegensatz zu Kenia oder Tansania ist in Uganda das Kiswahili als offizielle Sprache nicht so weit verbreitet. Es gibt weit mehr als 30 verschiedene Stammessprachen, von denen Luganda die bedeutendste ist. Jeder, der in Uganda eine weiterführende Schule besucht hat, spricht vergleichsweise gutes Englisch, sodass man sich mit Ärzten und Kommilitonen gut austauschen kann. Viele Patienten eines öffentlichen Krankenhauses in Uganda sprechen jedoch nicht wirklich ausgefeiltes Englisch, da kommen einem die freundlichen Übersetzungen des einheimischen Personals sehr entgegen. So fremd wie wir (Muzungus = „white skin“/„Europäer“) wohl für einige Patienten waren, so fremd war uns der Alltag im Krankenhaus.

    Die Bedingungen in der öffentlichen Krankenversorgung sind landesweit noch katastrophal. Die Versorgung in privaten Krankenhäusern ist etwas besser, doch verständlicherweise gibt es keine wirklichen Hightech-Gerätschaften und in Aachen alleine stehen bestimmt mehr CTs, als in ganz Uganda zu finden sind.

    Neben dem gelegentlich ausfallenden Strom gab es oft und auch im OP kein fließendes oder sauberes Wasser. Die Händedesinfektion wurde meist vernachlässigt. Oft fehlten Disziplin, Motivation und Professionalität. Dazu muss man ausführen, dass die Ärzte in den Krankenhäusern nur eine Art Hungerlohn bekommen. Sie haben lange studiert und dafür bezahlt, arbeiten dann relativ hart und werden anschließend kaum wertgeschätzt.

    Für uns persönlich ging es nach kurzem Kennenlernen auf die Stationen. Die Notaufnahme und Allgemeinchirurgie standen als Erstes auf dem Programm. Dort konnte man zusehen oder auch aktiv mithelfen, bei größeren OPs so gut es ging assistieren, Abszesse spalten, nähen und was sonst noch so zu flicken war. Beides stand unter der Leitung eines freundlichen kubanischen Langzeit-Gastarztes.

    Hier konnte man ziemlich frei zwischen OP und Notaufnahme wechseln, sah sehr viel und leider auch unzählige für uns unvorstellbare Schicksale. Auch wenn in manchen Bereichen und für manche Krankheiten wie beispielsweise AIDS State-of-the-Art-Medikamente in ausreichender Menge meist gesponsert von USAID vorrätig waren, fehlte es stets an allem anderen – von Tupfern über Verbandmaterial bis zum Standardequipment. Persönlich gab es viele einschneidende Erlebnisse, von denen ich einige besonders hervorheben möchte:

    Da war zum einen die hohe Zahl an sozusagen ungeschützten Verkehrsunfällen, in deren Folge man besonders bei den kranialen Verletzungen wenig therapieren konnte. Ganz schlimm war der Unfall eines Reisebusses mit zahlreichen Verletzten. Einem Mann fehlte ein Drittel des Gesichts, dem anderen war der ganze Arm zerquetscht worden und zur Amputation prädestiniert. Leider war auch hier bei der Behandlung kein besonderes Engagement zu erkennen. Beide Patienten überlebten wie durch ein Wunder.
    Zu spät ins Krankenhaus

    Viele Erwachsene kamen mit extrem weit fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsbildern viel zu spät ins Krankenhaus. Kinder hatten zudem oft ein sehr kritisches und ergreifendes Schicksal zu ertragen. Neben dem lehrbuchmäßigen Erscheinungsbild des Marasmus und Kwashiorkor (Protein-Energie-Mangelernährung) wird uns die Operation eines Dreijährigen bestimmt immer in Erinnerung bleiben. Nach der initialen Vorstellung mit aufgeblähtem Bauch, Schmerzen und Mal­as­si­mi­lation folgte die explorative Laparotomie. Unvorstellbarerweise konnten wir aus dem Darm des Kleinen, ohne zu untertreiben, etwa zwei Teller spaghettiartige Würmer entfernen, welche sich – im Tageslicht angekommen – weiterhin aktiv umeinander wanden. Auch dieser kleine Patient überlebte.
    Grausame Racheattacke

    Nicht vorenthalten werden sollen auch die landesweit üblichen, grausamen Racheattacken meist um Ehemänner rivalisierender Frauen, nach denen man sich v.a. ein spezialisiertes plastisch-chi­rur­gisches Team wünscht, um die von Säure verätzte Gesichtshaut so gut es geht wieder herzurichten. Nun stehen dem Leser bestimmt die Haare zu Berge, doch ist dies nur ein kleiner Auszug, neben dem es im täglichen Leben regelmäßig noch die typischen, weniger spektakulären chirurgischen Krankheitsbilder gibt.

    Neben der Chirurgie konnten wir auch der gynäkologischen Station und der Geburtshilfestation beiwohnen.

    Da das Universitätskrankenhaus ein öffentliches Krankenhaus ist – damit in Uganda verbunden ist, dass alle Versorgung umsonst ist – gab es dort unzählige Patientinnen. Sie hatten oft schon einen langen Weg hinter sich und kamen meist schon fast am Ende ihrer Wehen im Krankenhaus an. Somit gab es ständig und zahlreiche Geburten zu sehen, die in der Regel von den Medizinstudierenden im dritten Jahr und den Hebammen vollzogen wurden. Dies war am Anfang doch sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig für uns, sind wir es doch gewohnt, dass diese Tätigkeiten von Ärzten durchgeführt werden. Schon sehr bald war es auch an uns, bei diesen Tätigkeiten zu assistieren oder sie selber durchzuführen, und man ist sprichwörtlich an seinen Aufgaben gewachsen und kam damit bald schon besser zurecht. Im OP konnte man vor allem Kaiserschnitten und gynäkologischen Laparotomien beiwohnen, auf der gynäkologischen Station hat man alle Arten von Krebs und Entzündungen gesehen.

    Auf den Stationen hatte man immer die Möglichkeit, sich den Gruppen von Studierenden anzuschließen, die einem etwas ­ge­­wöhn­ungsbedürftigen Un­ter­richts­­­kurs beiwohnten. So war der Unterricht sehr abweichend vom „bedside teaching“ in Deutschland.

    Glücklicherweise haben die Ärzte immer versucht, sich so gut wie möglich vor den im Krankenhaus vorkommenden Krankheiten, vor allem HIV, zu schützen. Das Bewusstsein dafür war groß, ist doch auch die Durchseuchungsrate dort mit rund zehn Prozent deutlich höher als bei uns. Somit wurden immer Handschuhe getragen, allerdings gab es im Kreißsaal keine Mundschutze und im OP keine Brillen zum Schutz vor Blutspritzern (die in der Gyn häufig vorkommen), sodass es sich empfiehlt, sich dies von zu Hause mitzubringen. Schlussendlich kann man sagen, dass man beim Fehlen von unseren diagnostischen Möglichkeiten sowie nicht immer engagiert durchgeführten körperlichen Untersuchungen und leitliniengerechten Eingriffen nicht unbedingt das Wichtigste fürs deutsche Staats­examen lernt, doch neben den wertvollen Erfahrungen außerhalb des Krankenhauses hat man auch während der Arbeitszeit sehr viel fürs Leben mitnehmen können.
    Tolle Naturschätze

    So sehr uns der teils tragische Krankenhausalltag mitgenommen hat, umso mehr boten Ugandas Naturschätze Gelegenheit, auf andere Gedanken zu kommen.

    Auch wenn das Land im Gegensatz zu Tansania oder Kenia nicht direkt am Meer liegt, lohnt es sich, in die faszinierend vielfältigen Landschaften, die buchstäblich atemberaubenden Tierwelten und die ewig grünen Regenwälder einzutauchen. Für die Erkundungsreisen rund um Uganda bieten sich verschiedenste Möglichkeiten.

    Natürlich ist fast alles machbar, von Low-Cost-Reisen auf eigene Faust, bis zu Luxussafaris à la 5 Sterne. Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind niedrig, aber Reisen in Touristenregionen haben schon ihren eigenen Preis. Von Wandertouren im Gebirge oder Regenwald über Affen-, Steppen- und Boot­safaris befindet sich u.a. auch Abenteuersport beispielsweise beim Rafting auf dem Nil im Angebot.

    In direkter Umgebung von Mbarara ist innerhalb eines Tagesausflugs der Lake-Mburo-Nationalpark zu erreichen. Aber auch hier muss man selber eine Transportmöglichkeit für den Park organisieren, was mitunter kompliziert und verhältnismäßig teuer werden kann. Den Besuch muss man sich dementsprechend gut überlegen, auch wenn die schöne Landschaft eines der positiven Argumente ist. Die Tiervielfalt ist sicher nicht ganz so ausgeprägt wie in anderen Parks, allerdings bietet er u.a. Gazellen, Warzenschweine und Nilpferde.

    Ein großes Highlight in Uganda ist das Berggorilla-Tracking. Berggorillas sind vor dem Aussterben bedroht: Weltweit gibt es nur noch ca. 800 Tiere, von denen 400 in den hohen Urwäldern von Uganda und Ruanda leben. Es ist ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis, diesen verspielten, tapsigen, immer hung­rigen und so menschenähnlichen Geschöpfen über eine Stunde lang beiwohnen zu dürfen – und das in freier Natur mitten im Regenwald. Man kommt den Tieren so nah wie nur möglich und kann somit natürlich auch unvergleichliche Fotos schießen. Obwohl Uganda unzählige Wasservorkommen, kleinere und mit dem Lake Victoria einen der größten Seen der Welt besitzt, kann man momentan aus Vorsicht sowohl vor den großen als auch den mikroskopisch kleinen im Wasser lauernden Gefahren wohl nur in dem im Süden gelegenen Lake Bunyonyi ohne größere Bedenken baden. Dafür aber in malerisch schöner Umgebung. Das genaue Gegenteil zu der Idylle am Lake Bunyonyi ist die Hauptstadt Kampala.

    Auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert und Ausgang vieler buchbarer Reisetouren ist Kampala eine extrem lebendige und wuselige Stadt. Anfangs kann man sich manchmal schon ein wenig verloren vorkommen und dann noch den richtigen Weg oder Bus am zentralen Busbahnhof zu finden schien für uns erst einmal ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit.

    Kampala ist wahrlich keine Stadt mit vielen herausragenden Sehenswürdigkeiten von internationalem Format, dennoch eine eher modernere und internationalere Abwechslung zum restlichen Land.

    Unmengen von Menschen tummeln sich besonders am zentralen Markt, das System des zentralen Busknotenpunktes ist unverständlich und gerade gegen Abend bieten die heimkehrenden Busse ein irrsinniges Gedrängel.

    Obwohl es warm und staubig war, empfanden wir Kampala mit den aus Uganda gewohnten Palmen und der relativ grünen Umgebung als sympathisch. Gerade bei längeren Aufenthalten in ländlicheren Gebieten lernt man ein gewisses Großstadtflair wieder zu schätzen. Bei Bedarf kann man ins Kino gehen oder in einem Einkaufszentrum bummeln. Besonders gefallen haben uns die Ausgehmöglichkeiten, die gerade bei diesem hohen Anteil junger Leute an der Bevölkerung als sehr vielfältig erscheinen. Oft waren sie sogar innovativer, stilvoller und angenehmer als in Deutschland, was nicht nur an den vielen open air Bars, der fröhlich-friedlichen Stimmung und der Party Musik lag.
    Dinge auf die man gefasst sein sollte

    Ihr tretet in einen neuen, dem deutschen sehr fernen aber fröhlich bunten Kulturkreis ein. Dementsprechend sind viele Dinge des täglichen Lebens und sonstige Handlungen bei einem gewissen Laisser-faire sehr gewöhnugsbedürftig.

    Dennoch wird man v.a. als Muzungu sehr freundlich und sehr hilfsbereit durch alle komplexeren Situationen geleitet. Zu bedauern ist jedoch, wenn man beobachtet, wie freundlich einige Leute zu uns waren und wie schroff und gleichgültig sie im nächsten Moment ihren Landsleuten entgegentraten. Eine Interpretation dieses Verhaltens erscheint erst einmal schwierig und spekulativ. In der Kommunikation besteht ein großer Vorteil darin, dass viele Leute mindestens ein wenig bis sogar einwandfreies Englisch sprechen. Dies ist ein weiterer positiver Faktor und eine erhebliche Erleichterung um sich zurechtfinden, im Umgang mit den Einheimischen sowie auf Reisen. Manchmal fühlt man sich in Bezug auf einige Wohnweisen, der Technik, und manchen Denkweisen mit dem 18. Jahrhundert konfrontiert, wohingegen auf der anderen Seite fast jede Oma in Uganda ein bis zwei Mobiltelefone besitzt und das Internet auch hier immer weiter Verbreitung findet. Viele Missstände liegen natürlich auch an der nicht zu übersehenden Armut, die man so in Deutschland nicht kennt und die uns des Öfteren schon sehr hart traf. Korruption zieht sich durch alle Bereich des Lebens. Da ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass gelegentlich Komplettausfälle von Strom und Wasser zu ertragen sind.

    Für den oberpünktlichen Disziplinfanatiker aus Deutschland dauert vieles oft länger als ihm lieb ist, daher plant immer mal ein bisschen mehr Zeit mit ein. Ob beim Markteinkauf, im Hotel oder Souveniermarkt, überall wo möglich sollte gehandelt werden. Oft wird dann in einen Preisnachlass von bis zu 30, 40 oder 50 Prozent eingewilligt. Das herkömmliche Essen wird nicht sofort vertraut vorkommen, doch auch wenn Uganda im Gegensatz zu Äthiopien nicht gerade wegen seiner kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten bekannt ist, wird man keinen Hunger leiden und findet sogar das ein oder andere leckere Gericht. Gerade durch den allgegenwärtigen Einfluss indischer Zuwanderer gibt es einige Traditionsgerichte wie Chapati oder Samosas. Des Weiteren haben wir sehr ballaststoff-, gemüse- und obstreich gegessen. Neben der Ugali-Pampe ist allen voran der Brei aus Kochbananen „Matoke“ das kulinarische Sinnbild Ugandas. Und wahrlich, so frisch und saftige Ananas, Bananen oder Mangos findet man ich Deutschland nicht. Im Straßenverkehr typisch ist der Linksverkehr und in Uganda fast unausweichlich sind die Boda Boda Fahrten, bei denen man sehr vorsichtig und gewissenhaft vorgehen sollte. Auch die weiteren Verkehrsmittel sind gewöhnungsbedürftig. Oft fühlt man sich bei chronischer Überfüllung in Bussen und typischen Kleinbussen (Matatus) wie Sardinen in der Dose.
    Organisatorische Hinweise / Linktipps

    Auswärtige Amt

    Bradt (

    Reise Know How

    Empfehlungsschreiben u.v.m. der Heimatuni einreichen.
    Frühzeitig Frage nach Unterkunft am Krankenhaus klären.
    Geduldsvermögen und Ausdauer mitbringen und evtl. telefonisch nachhaken.
    Auf Gebühren achten evtl. etwas verhandeln.
    Rechtzeitig impfen
    Lebenshaltungskosten und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel kosten etwa ein Drittel des Preises in Deutschland.
    Smart ist sich bei AMREF und der Krisenvorsorgeliste der BRD eintragen zu lassen
    Zur Vorbereitung auf den medizinischen Alltag kann ich die Skripte Clinical Guide und Obstetrics von MSF sehr empfehlen!
    Alternativ z.B. Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine
    Malariaprophylaxe empfehlenswert.
    Internet auch via Handy (z.B. Warid) oder Internetcafé möglich.
    Interessante Videos und Seiten:

    Das Fazit

    Letztendlich überwiegt ganz bestimmt der positive unbeschreibliche Erfahrungswert eines Aufenthaltes in Uganda. Es gibt viel Licht, aber auch Schatten zu durchlaufen. Und dennoch: Gerade das Bewusstwerden dieser Gegebenheiten, Zusammenhänge und Probleme macht den Aufenthalt so wertvoll für unsere weitere Entwicklung und vor allem auch für die Bewertung unseres Heimatlandes mit seinem Politik- und Gesundheitssystem. Definitiv sollte man auf den oben beschriebenen Klinikalltag gefasst sein, bei dem man bei Bedarf sehr viel eigenständig machen kann. So ist beispielsweise die Begleitung einer Schwangeren und das (Mit-)Überwachen von Geburten an vielen deutschen Krankenhäusern selbst für PJler oft ein Tabu, wohingegen man in Uganda äußerst selbstständig bei einer Geburt als wirklich ergreifendem Moment mindestens assistieren kann.

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