It’s a simple mission, really…

#1 von carlos , 28.12.2013 22:46

How we started

A normal woman, the daughter of a carpenter, travelled to Haiti on a simple mission to help build a church building. Never would she have thought that God had bigger plans in mind to show her during this trip!

While at the Port-au-Prince airport, on a spur-of-the-moment side trip handing out religious tracts with Leo, a fellow missionary, and Colleen, Barbara met Cindy Hurston – future dream team member – who happened to be flying out of Haiti.

Cindy had a problem. She had taken on the care of a set of badly malnourished twins – who were being treated in what passes for a “hospital” in this difficult land – who were literally going to die if someone wasn’t able to pick up when she left and oversee their care. The only other person that could take care of the children was an elderly grandmother, who was unable to care for them any longer.

Cindy looked in Barbara’s eyes and asked if she could find an adoptive family that could take on these tiny angels. This was when she first met Baby Ruth. Baby Ruth was special. Everyone knew it. Baby Ruth was more than just a baby; she was a striking little child with amazing blue eyes. This little darling had something about her that everyone saw but no one could quite explain. Barbara was amazed by people stopping in the streets just to stare, just wanting to touch God’s little Baby Ruth. All knew, including Barbara, that this wasn’t just an ordinary little girl. Surely God had a special plan in mind for her.

Since that day over twenty years ago Barbara has been jumping hurdles and following the lead of our Divine Creator. She makes nothing off of the adoptions. The fees only cover a portion of the expenses that these adoptions require, and donations from kind individuals like you make the difference.

Barbara is a very caring and grounded woman who is not afraid to demonstrate “tough love” when it comes to saving a soul.

When she takes a child in her arms and says “I’m gonna get you a Mommy and Daddy!” you can rest assured with the glory and grace of the Lord that her word is bond!

Beiträge: 2.768
Registriert am: 08.06.2010

RE: It’s a simple mission, really…

#2 von carlos , 28.12.2013 22:47

Beiträge: 2.768
Registriert am: 08.06.2010

RE: It’s a simple mission, really…

#3 von carlos , 28.12.2013 22:47


Blue Heaven — A Tony Baratta Film

On Tuesday, January 12th at 4:53 PM- one of the most devastating disasters in the Northern Hemisphere struck the nation of Haiti. The Earthquake shook the Port-au-Prince area to the core, with portions remaining permanently devastated. This documentary will highlight the missionary work of Barbara Walker, one woman with a big heart making a true difference in the lives of orphans and homeless women affected by this disaster and others. Through her orphanage, adoptions are coordinated as families from around the world come to bring these children home to their "forever families". Teresa Scanlan, Miss America 2011 visits and assists the orphanage as she tells the stories, describing the work Barb does and the difficulties that ensue in adoption. Also featured are testimonies from the medical and flight team that served during the aftermath of the Earthquake.

From Executive Producer Tony Baratta comes this heart felt story of a woman running as orphanage in Haiti during the tragic earthquake that took place in 2010. Featuring Teresa Scanlan Miss America 2011 and many others – tell this touching story of Haitian Children being adopted out to forever families.

Buy the Blue Heaven DVD

Reach out to Haiti is a not-for-profit Christian organization which serves people through providing humanitarian needs in the disaster-struck nation of Haiti.

Barbara Walker, the founder, has been working to provide basic needs to Haitians for over twenty-six years, and has facilitated the adoptions of over 1000 literally helpless children to the best loving homes possible. Reach Out to Haiti has also teamed up with Air Mobile Ministries to support disaster relief efforts throughout the world. From Pakistan to New Orleans, we have striven to deliver desperately needed supplies to people struggling to endure disasters which occur too frequently in this turbulent world. Barbara’s work includes operating Ruuska Village, a walled community in Bon Repos, Haiti , Maki Island and the Blue Escape which are all a safe haven and refuge for mothers and children fleeing dangerous environments.

Ruuska Village manages a medical clinic, basic supplies, a well and clean water, and round-the-clock power generated on-site through a generator and inverters. The village is surrounded with twelve-foot protective walls for the safety of residents, and has a small garden area to grow garden vegetables.

In addition to these facilities, there are twenty-five individual housing units, food and non-food supply depots, a small school, The Church of Viera on Maki Island, and of course a playground for the children. Thanks to the kindness of our donors, Reach Out to Haiti has also been able to provide local children, and some adults, with tuition assistance for schooling. Reach Out to Haiti houses children awaiting a family both at Ruuska Village and at other locations locally, and operates on volunteer power and by employing local mothers, which helps to provide them with both a modest income and introduction to safer child-care practices.

While we at Reach Out To Haiti focus primarily on facilitating adoptions, we are a Christian, faith-based group and are committed to showing God’s love, and in doing so we are active in providing assistance to Haiti’s extremely impoverished communities by distributing donations of:

Clothing (suitable for the hot, humid Haitian climate)
Non-perishable food
Medical supplies
Medical assistance
School supplies
School uniforms
A daily meal for school aged children of orphanages and poor families
Baby care items

These are just a few of the many common items which are so desperately needed in Haiti. There are many other donations which can do just as much good. These efforts are made possible by the generous contributions and support from caring people from all over the world, like you. We members of the Reach Out to Haiti community thank you for your generous contribution to solving the problems not just of a struggling nation, but of an individual child in need. No meal, no pair of shoes or even laces, no single drink of water, no life-preserving vaccination, no moment spent caring for those in need, is taken for granted.

Beiträge: 2.768
Registriert am: 08.06.2010


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