#1 von
, 21.10.2012 17:14
Volunteer Dentistry in Vietnam East Meets West Foundation International Humanitarian Dental Clinic for Children in Central Vietnam East Meets West Dental Program an "Innovation Fund" Winner: One of Four Nonprofits Selected for Funding by Alliance for Global Good Oakland, CA – October 2, 2012 – East Meets West is one of four nonprofits--out of a field of nearly 50 applicants-- chosen as inaugural grantees of the Alliance for Global Good's (AFGG) Innovation Fund. The funds provided by AFGG will support EMW's Dental Program as it transitions to implementaing paid services at its Da Nang, Vietnam dental clinic. The aim of the fee-for-service model is to create a steady source of revenue to enable the program to continue its longstanding mission--providing free dental treatment to impoverished children. The Alliance for Global Good notes that the winners used a combination of "nonprofit mission and business models for sustainable social good." Read AFGG press release here.
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