#1 von carlos , 15.06.2011 17:03

The removal of caries by hand instruments alone is by no means a new approach since over the years dentists have used hand instruments when they considered it necessary or when they could not use other dental equipment. The ART technique, however differs in concept from previous treatment. Instead of filling excavated cavities with a temporary filling material that later needs to be replaced with a permanent restoration, a long-lasting high-technology restorative material is used. Furthermore, the minimal cavity preparation from the use of hand instruments is in line with modern concepts foe a biologic cavity preparation.

The ART technique is subject to further investigation, including clinical, laboratory, behavioral and economic studies. However, extrapolation of results from preliminary studies suggested that ART results in a long-lasting restoration. Thus, an implication from using the ART technique is that the many extractions constituting the predominant treatment for dentinal lesions in economically less developed countries will not be needed. ART offers a curative solution for caries that can be used globally.


The greater part of the world's population has no access to restorative dental care. One of the main obstacles is the traditional manner of treating caries, which relies on electrically driven equipment. The basic concepts of the ART technique are the removal of decalcified dental tissues using only readily available hand instruments following the modern concepts of cavity preparation and the use of a high-technology adhesive restorative material. This technique has the potential to make oral health care more available to a larger part of the world's population than before.

Jo E. Frencken, PhD; Taco Pilot, PhD; Yupin Songpaisan, Odont Dr; Prathip Phantumvanit, MSc.
Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Vol 56, No. 3 Special issue 1996

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Registriert am: 08.06.2010


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