Bridge2Aid Dental Volonteer Programme- what we do?

#1 von Andy , 21.05.2011 13:22

2A Dental Volunteer Programme

The Bridge2Aid Dental Volunteer Programme (DVP) was developed to allow qualified dental professionals to pass on their skills to local health care personnel in Tanzania.

Each 13-day trip has spaces for up to 12 dentists and 8 nurses (or hygienists willing to act as hygienists/nurses) who are willing to work in remote rural clinics developing the skills of Clinical Officers and delivering basic dental services to the community.

We are grateful to the Sunnymead Trust for the use of their manual during the DVP.

We are currently interviewing for our September and November 2011 trips. (A minimum of 1 full year's post-graduate experience for dentist applicants is required). To apply for your place, read on to the bottom of this page! We do sometimes have last minute cancellations, if you'd like to be kept on the waiting list for any future DVP trips then please let us know by emailing Ruth Bowyer.

History of the B2A DVP:

The Bridge2Aid Dental Volunteer Programme was developed in partnership with Dentaid during 2004, and we are very grateful for their support in helping to establish the visits. Since then we have run the programme ourselves.

“Amazing organisation - I have never been on a more organised trip. I look forward to seeing B2A become more successful with each passing year.”

“This has been a rewarding experience both professionally and personally, I have realised how lucky our patients are.”

“I am amazed at what can be achieved in 5 days of clinical officer training.”

“It was so moving and great to be part of a charity working at such a grass roots level.”

“DVP is a bit like Big Brother and CPD all thrown into one!”

“Visiting Bukumbi Village was an experience I will never forget.”

Beiträge: 21
Registriert am: 20.06.2010

RE: Bridge2Aid Dental Volonteer Programme- what we do?

#2 von carlos , 19.05.2012 20:51

The Bridge2Aid Dental Volunteer Programme (DVP) was developed to allow qualified dental professionals to pass on their skills to local health care personnel in Tanzania. The programme began in 2004 in partnership with the Tanzanian Government.

Each 13-day trip has spaces for up to 12 dentists and 8 nurses (or hygienists willing to act as hygienists/nurses) who are willing to work in remote rural clinics developing the skills of Clinical Officers and delivering basic dental services to the community.

We are grateful to the Sunnymead Trust for the use of their manual during the DVP.

We are continually interviewing for upcoming trips. You must have a minimum of 1 year’s post-graduate experience for dentist applicants. To apply for your place, read on to the bottom of this page or

Questions about DVP?

Click here to read our DVP FAQs!

For a personal account, you can read dentist Liz Stringer's experience of a 2008 DVP by clicking here.
Who will oversee my trip? Who is my contact at Bridge2Aid?

Administration of DVPs is carried out in the UK by our Visits Team. If you have any questions not answered in our FAQ section, or to request an APPLICATION PACK, please email the visits team or call them on 07748 643006.

The itinerary is as follows (subject to change):
Monday Heathrow & Overnight BA flight
Tuesday Arrival & Welcome
Wednesday Orientation & Preparations
Thursday -Saturday Tooth Camps
Sunday Day Off
Monday - Wednesday Tooth Camps
Thursday Bukumbi Visit/Time off and debrief
Friday BA Flight to Heathrow (Arrive Saturday)

*Please note the February and June 2012 trips now have limited places available. There will be a waiting list operating on both trips.

Beiträge: 2.720
Registriert am: 08.06.2010

RE: Bridge2Aid Dental Volonteer Programme- what we do?

#3 von carlos , 19.05.2012 20:51

Beiträge: 2.720
Registriert am: 08.06.2010


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