Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc., of New York

#1 von carlos , 30.01.2017 23:59

Healthier Lives Worldwide

CMMB has been dedicated to helping the poor and those marginalized in society for over 100 years. Our founder, Dr. Paluel Flagg, first ministered to lepers in Haiti in the early 20th century and today we are a highly-respected global organization that has never wavered in our faith-based mission of service.

Despite the progress in global health, women and children living in developing countries continue to be among the most vulnerable. This motivates us to focus on improving their lives, and the lives of their communities.

Embracing the bond between our Catholic faith, values, and service to those most in need, CMMB is called to provide effective health solutions founded on love and respect for all.

Our Vision

A world in which every human life is valued, and health and human dignity are shared by all.
Our Mission

Inspired by the example of Jesus, CMMB works in partnership globally to deliver locally sustainable, quality health solutions to women, children, and their communities.

Richarson and his mother Lozien
Our Core Values

To work in partnership for locally sustainable solutions

To embrace and be compassionate towards all people

To deliver sustainable, quality, and impactful results

To act always with integrity, and to value and honor the dignity of all

Children going home from school

Beiträge: 2.798
Registriert am: 08.06.2010

RE: Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc., of New York

#2 von carlos , 30.01.2017 23:59

Beiträge: 2.798
Registriert am: 08.06.2010

RE: Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc., of New York

#3 von carlos , 31.01.2017 00:00

The Dominican Dental Mission Project: The Dominican Dental Mission Project (DDMP) is a service-oriented project conducted under the auspices of the Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc., of New York (see The project, which is one of the most durable projects in the country, has been in continuous operation for 33 years (as of 2014). The DDMP was started in 1982 with one volunteer who spent four weeks providing care in mountain villages in the Dominican Republic. With rudimentary supplies, the volunteer performed exodontia in village homes, and limited restorative dentistry services (i.e., amalgams and auto polymerized composite resin restorations) were delivered in the local hospital dental clinic. Except for a dental unit with a creaky high-speed handpiece, equipment was lacking. A mortar and pestle and a squeeze cloth were used to mix amalgam. The volunteer returned from that first trip wondering whether he had done more for the Dominicans or whether they had done more for him.

Beiträge: 2.798
Registriert am: 08.06.2010


Dominican Dental Mission Project (DDMP)
"Mehr als 700 Implantate wurden in drei Tagen gesetzt, der Andrang war wieder riesig"

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