#1 von
, 10.05.2015 16:08
Please contact us if you would like to take part in this trip to Palestine or our future trips. We are looking for caring, motivated dentists and dental care professionals who have experience of some paediatric and general restorative dentistry. It is advantageous if you can also speak some Arabic. If you know any friends or colleagues that may be interested in being involved then please pass our details to them. In the meantime to register your interest please email us using the contact form (right side of the screen) and attach your CV and outline why you would like to be involved with the dental relief trip. Alternatively you can email us on info@dentalaidnetwork.org
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#2 von
, 10.05.2015 16:08
Palestine Trip Many people in the world cannot afford or simply do not have access to dental care and as a result they will often suffer from tooth ache and infection of the moth. During December 2014 we are planning to travel to Palestine to provide dental treatments to children many of who are orphans. For most of the children this will be the only access they will have to dental treatments.
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#3 von
, 10.05.2015 16:10
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